Dear fellow B&B'ers,
I have decided that I would like to try my hand at hunting. This was after doing some reading. First I read a great little book Call of the Mild by Lily Raff McCaulou. I enjoyed it for a number of reasons: an adult considering hunting and then learning how, the moral/ethical questions that many non-hunters raise and answers that she came to, and finally that it is sent in central Oregon which is where I now live. However, learning to hunt as an adult does not appear to be an easy task. I have fair backcountry knowledge. I was a scout for 17 years. However, there are challenges which is why I come to the guidance of my fellow B&B'ers.
1. Overall how should I/can I learn to hunt. I have read The Beginners Guide to Hunting Deer for Food and read a couple Field and Streams, etc... However, there is only so much one can learn from a book/magazine.
2. How to learn to use a firearm. I have no experience and unfortunately I am not able to go to the Hunters education class near by this fall. That leaves me either to find a different path or wait until the new year. I would prefer the former.
3. How does on learn of locations/places to hunt. I am new to the area. I understand scouting is one of the most important tasks for hunting. But where to start? I would assume that hunting locations are somewhat kept secret like fishing spots. You don't want to given away a great place to potential competition.
4. I have experience with a bow. I was thinking of doing both bow and rifle hunting. The advantages I see is that it gives more time to hunt. Disadvantage of bow hunting appears the relatively low success rate. (If you count harvesting an animal a success. If just the hunt is a success then it appears to be just more time doing something that you can enjoy.)
5. Any other hints, tips, warnings...
Thank you for all of your assistance,
I have decided that I would like to try my hand at hunting. This was after doing some reading. First I read a great little book Call of the Mild by Lily Raff McCaulou. I enjoyed it for a number of reasons: an adult considering hunting and then learning how, the moral/ethical questions that many non-hunters raise and answers that she came to, and finally that it is sent in central Oregon which is where I now live. However, learning to hunt as an adult does not appear to be an easy task. I have fair backcountry knowledge. I was a scout for 17 years. However, there are challenges which is why I come to the guidance of my fellow B&B'ers.
1. Overall how should I/can I learn to hunt. I have read The Beginners Guide to Hunting Deer for Food and read a couple Field and Streams, etc... However, there is only so much one can learn from a book/magazine.
2. How to learn to use a firearm. I have no experience and unfortunately I am not able to go to the Hunters education class near by this fall. That leaves me either to find a different path or wait until the new year. I would prefer the former.
3. How does on learn of locations/places to hunt. I am new to the area. I understand scouting is one of the most important tasks for hunting. But where to start? I would assume that hunting locations are somewhat kept secret like fishing spots. You don't want to given away a great place to potential competition.
4. I have experience with a bow. I was thinking of doing both bow and rifle hunting. The advantages I see is that it gives more time to hunt. Disadvantage of bow hunting appears the relatively low success rate. (If you count harvesting an animal a success. If just the hunt is a success then it appears to be just more time doing something that you can enjoy.)
5. Any other hints, tips, warnings...
Thank you for all of your assistance,