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New Super Speed...Couple of Questions

I just got a hold of a 40s style super speed, and had a few questions:

First, is there any way to tell what specific year it was made? This model does not have a date code so that narrows it down to '47, '48, or '49, but I wondered if there was a way to get more specific than that. I have heard things said about some years have a notch somewhere but I dont know where to look for this notch.

Second, I plan on shaving with this tonight and was going to get any input on a good blade to put in here for my first shave with this machine.
I'm not sure about the date or notch - but someone will chime in.

I have a 40's style super speed and received my first BBS shave using Wilkinson Sword blades that I got from Bed Bath and Beyond. My first blades were grocery store Personnas and the Wilkinson's were the second blades I have tried. Since then, I have used Feathers, 7 o'clock yellows, Red Personnas and Derby with varying results.

So if I had to rank MY experiences with a 40's SS and blades, it would be in this order from best to worst:

-7 o'clock yellows
-Wilkinson Swords
-Red Personnas
-Grocery store Personnas
-Derby (bad first shave, will try second tomorrow)

What blades to you currently have?

Good luck and enjoy your shaves,
The notch (starting in 48 or 49?) is on either end of the center bar that holds the blade in. All the Gillette TTOs had it since then. This allows you to hook a blade on it and pull the blade out of its dispenser package. So you never need to handle the new blade with your fingers.

In the older (47) razor, that center bar is flat on both ends.
With no date code, that's gonna be as close as you can get to the date of manufacture. Enjoy your shaves! Just remember No Pressure! Just let the weight of the razor and the blade do the cutting. And you're not going for complete removal of the stubble in one pass, it's a gradual reduction process over 2,3, or 4 passes.:001_smile I would also strongly suggest not shaving against the grain of your beard until you have a few DE shaves behind you. You'll have plenty of time for that later after your technique gets dialed in a little bit.:thumbup1:

Oh, you asked for a blade suggestion, not shaving advice! I guess it helps to read a little more carefully before answering! I'd suggest either the BiC, the Astras, or the Derbys to try out 1st. I listed them in the order of my preference. Of course, with all things DE blade related, YMMV.
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Okay, well that makes this a '48 or '49 then. Is there any other way to tell which one?

1947: no notch, comes in a cardbox

1948: notched, comes in a cardbox

1949: notched, comes in a red styrene case, "PAT.NOS.ON PACKAGE" inside the head

1950: notched, comes in a red styrene case, "PAT.NOS.ON PKG" inside the head

1951: notched, date code (starting with "W1") under the head

More information about the Super-Speed are in this thread
wow, thanks for the info fellas.
I just got done shaving with it. I used a Gillette 7 O'Clock blade, and had my first positive experience with the Gillette Co. in a loooong time. It felt like the razor was a little bit gentler than my HD, but my usual problem spot on my neck was felt much better comparatively after shaving with this razor.
thanks again for everyone's help
I just got a hold of a 40s style super speed, and had a few questions:

First, is there any way to tell what specific year it was made? This model does not have a date code so that narrows it down to '47, '48, or '49, but I wondered if there was a way to get more specific than that. I have heard things said about some years have a notch somewhere but I dont know where to look for this notch.

Second, I plan on shaving with this tonight and was going to get any input on a good blade to put in here for my first shave with this machine.

When you open the doors, the metal cross bar that helps hold the blade is where the notch, if there is one, is located. If there is a notch it is a 48/49, if not you have a 47.

The SS will work well with any decent blade. I would recommend the Iridium, 7 O'Clock SharpEdge, or Perma-sharp Super. I am 90% sure these are all roughly the same blade, so pick the one you can find easily. A good price is around $0.27 shipped, going rate looks to be somewhere around $0.34 per blade. I get 7 shaves from one, so that is in the 4-5 cents per shave range which is hard to beat.

West coast shaving has the iridiums and 7 O'Clocks.
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