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New Standard or Bostonian?

This razor has lost most of its gold plating. I think it's either a Bostonian or New Standard. Would appreciate clarification. Thanks.


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Mmm, I would say NEW standard. When I had a Bostonian in my hands, the middle tube was coming out and I had 4 pieces... Can't say for sure...
Correct and correct. The Bostonian and the New Standard are the same razor, called by different names when in different boxed packages. These are New Improved razors with the diamond patterned handle. They come in gold and silver plated versions.
Correct and correct. The Bostonian and the New Standard are the same razor, called by different names when in different boxed packages. These are New Improved razors with the diamond patterned handle. They come in gold and silver plated versions.

I figured as much, but wasn't for certain.
It´s a New Improved from the 20s. This razor was in many set´s like Bostonian, New Standard, Richwood, Traveler
Are you sure it is losing its gold plating? That kind of looks like a silver plated razor with some tarnish on. Maybe try polishing it up and see what happens.

A beautiful razor, and my favorite shaver. In my hands, works really well with a Derby blade. Of course, YMMV, blah, blah, etc.
It would be nice if it were just tarnish, but silver tarnish looks black and that definitely looks brass colored.
It would be nice if it were just tarnish, but silver tarnish looks black and that definitely looks brass colored.

I have two cased Bostonians. When i bought them both, they were literally solid black with tarnish. I agree with ctakim, the pictured razor looks brass.

I have two cased Bostonians. When i bought them both, they were literally solid black with tarnish. I agree with ctakim, the pictured razor looks brass.


That said, brass New Improved razors will polish up to be stunningly beautiful! I think it looks much better than the original thin gold plating.
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