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New Semogue 1250

The SBAD is unrelenting....

Just got a new Semogue 1250 from Vintage Scent-

The brush has no funk and is comfortable right out of the box. Beautiful Portuguese oak handle with the wonderful 1305 shape; the wood grain simply glows. The bristle is their "Best" quality, 90% tops, and after three shaves, the tips are already splitting. I hope the backbone stays pretty much as it is; this brush is great on soaps and creams, face or bowl lathering. The build quality is every bit as nice as my SOC.

I simply can't get over the quality these brushes offer at such an absurdly low price point!

I have 3 Semogues. A 1460, 1470 and 1250. All have Best 90% tops hair type and I enjoy using all of them.
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