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New Scales in Pomelle Sapele

Finally made some scales out of some Pomelle Sapele that I had laying around. The blade is a Jonathan Crookes barber blade that still needs a bit of work on the blade to remove some chips. My friend wanted me to rescale them since the original horn scales were beyond restoring. I made the wedge out of some Gabon Ebony and finished it with some shellac. I used the original washers on the wedge because I liked the way they look. Unfortunately, the washers on the pivot had been replaced at one time. Otherwise, I would have used them at the pivot also. This is my fourth set of scales and I am getting a little better with each set. I really enjoy working with wood and may try some horn or other natural material in the future.

Why shellac? Doesn't alcohol dissolve a shellac finish? If so, one would have to be careful applying after shave with the razor nearby!
Shellac seemed to bring out the blonde highlights in the figuring of the wood. Shellac seemed to be a popular choice for finishing wood scales. I have tried CA and poly, but I don't like the plastic-like feel they gave the wood. I've used both teak oil and shellac on wood scales, and I have been pleased with the results.

You do raise an interesting issue about the alcohol. I'll have to test it out on some wood scraps. I imagine if it is wiped off before you put the razor away that it won't do any significant damage at the alcohol concentration that you would find in most aftershaves. Perhaps some of the veterans can chime in. I'm still fairly new at this.
Here is more information about solvents from "WOOD MAGAZINE":

Denatured alcohol Shellac
Xylene Water-based finishes
Lacquer thinner Lacquer, shellac, water-based finishes
Paint thinner, naphtha, turpentine Wax

For more indepth information on finishing, visit the Finishing and Refinishing Techniques section within the WOOD Store.
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