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New razor

I'm just starting up.

Ordered a Pen Works Brush.

Ordered a sample pack of blades.

Went and bought some CO Bigelow Cream

AND thought I had a nice razor to use that was my grandfathers BUT after getting it today from a box my father had back in his closest I'm not so sure it is the Razor for me hmmmm

It is a "Gem Micromatic"

Like a single edge type of razor not the double everyone likes.

Anyone have ANY experience with this Razor?

I have no problem buying a NEW razor, but just not sure which one to get? Budget is no more then $100, but I know there are TONS of razors cheaper than that....

What about the Mekur "Futur"??? I just wanna get the best of the best....
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no need to get the best of the best. you could actually be ok with what you have, even though 100 people here will say you wont.
Why not start with the micromatic? Just get some Ted Pella blades. You'll find several folks here sell them. RickSparks and Bullgoose come to mind off the top of my head.
Just find yourself a dispenser of Personna Stainless Gem blades (look like this:

(I think Walgreens carries them) and proceed gently (with little or no pressure).

My favorite razor so far.

- Chris
After the Micromatic you may never need or want to use another razor. I agree with these gents, take your time with that Gem, it has many many virtues. Post us a pic of which one you have. It is a great, great shaver.
whats the big difference in SE's and DE's? besides the extra side

Ay! They are different animals, different feel, different angle of shaving, different sound as the whiskers are whisked away, the designs of the razors are radically different. Others with greater knowledge and powers of description should weigh in soon. You're in for a long, fun ride. Welcome to B&B!
whats the big difference in SE's and DE's? besides the extra side

The SE blade you'll recognize in form as the same as what people scrape windows with. Don't let that scare you, but be discriminating in your blade purchase. The blade itself is roughly twice as thick as a double edge blade. A DE razor actually bends the blade into an arc as it is clamped into place. The single edge blade does not get bent when installed.

As Mr. Express mentioned, most Gem blade razors give better audio feedback. You hear the whiskers being trimmed and that helps you initially in finding an effective angle for the razor relative to your face. It's also very satisfying, if you go over the same area again and can't hear a thing.

We SE users are in the minority, but we're a loyal group. Most of us use DE's as well from time to time but, as I said, the Gem is my go-to razor for now.

- Chris
Just had the wife swing by Walgreens for some of those SE blades!!!!!!

One question before I slice my face up!!!!

The Mircromatic is a little rough and needs cleaned up BAD.

What is the best way to clean it up? Soak it? just wipe it off? any advice?
Boil up some water and pour into a bowl (I use a stainless mixing bowl) then put the razor in to soak for 10 minutes.

Drain the water and if you have any soap scum cleaner (scrubbing bubbles, etc.) spray some on the razor and let soak for a couple of minutes. Use an old toothbrush to scrub down and rinse. You can also try some toothpaste and scrub it.

For now, don't try metal polish--usually you just have whiskers and soap scum to soak and scrub off.

- Chris
I totally think you should give the Gem razor a go.

Please though, don't use any pressure. I think this is even more important than it would be with a DE razor. From my experience, the Gem's are quite a bit more agressive than a DE razor. Don't let this scare you though.

The very best shaves I have had so far in my 2 month long Wet Shaving career have been with Single Edge Gems.

I presently have a Gem Featherweight, a Gem 1912, a Micromatic Open Comb, and a Micromatic Clogpruf.

If you find the SE to be enjoyable, you need to get your hands on a Gem 1912. Those far more experienced than I say it is the best of the Gem S.E. razors. :thumbup1:
82r100, Thanks a TON I am boiling water as I type this out!!!

Also just to let you guys know I found my razor online. At this site

Razor Link

This is not my actual razor BUT is exactly the same in every way. GEM Micromatic Trade Mark... same Pat# and everything. SOO what do you think of the GEM I have? SO I guess mines a "1929"?

Also Michiganlover,

Those 1912's look great!!! MAYBE that is the guy I should target IF I like the SE shave, but I will still probably want to get a DE just to see what all the mess is about so which is the BEST DE razor out there? Those Futur's look insane but who knows hehehe
but I will still probably want to get a DE just to see what all the mess is about so which is the BEST DE razor out there? Those Futur's look insane but who knows hehehe

I would recommend either a Gillette Tech (Ball End, or Fat Handled), or a Gillette Superspeed. Both are rather mild shavers, that will thus be forgiving of your less than perfect newbie technique.

I am in the process of cleaning up a lot of razors, that I found at a local antique store. The lot has 2 Gillette Fat Handled Techs, and 1 Gillette Plastic handled Tech, and even a Gem 1912. They are all in very good condition.

Look for the lot to be up for sale in the B/S/T in a few days. :w00t::w00t:

As for your Gem Micromatic, it is an Open Comb model. I myself have had very good shaves with my Open Comb Gem Micromatic, so I see no reason why you shouldn't take it for a spin.

Just take it slow, and treat the razor with respect. As for angle, you want to hold the razor head almost flat against your face, and then back it off a few degrees. You will hear the razor cut hairs, when you have the correct angle.
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This is not my actual razor BUT is exactly the same in every way. GEM Micromatic Trade Mark... same Pat# and everything. SOO what do you think of the GEM I have? SO I guess mines a "1929"?

Not necessarily. Gem made Micromatics for a very long time with no apparent changes. Here's a 1938 magazine ad:
View attachment 61335

- Chris
Just an update.

Keep in mind I do NOT have my Pen Works brush yet just a cheap crappy brush I got from walmart.

Did all of this last night because I could not wait till morning hehe

I took a shower like normal.

Used CO Bigelow cream and lathered up.

Used my now clean Micromatic SE with a north to south pattern.

Rinsed and re lathered.

Did another North to south pattern.

Rinsed and re lathered JUST my neck area.

This time I went south to north, because after those first two passes it was just NOT getting my lower neck stubble. (Also, just to let you know I'm 30 and since I have been shaving (about 15-17 years) I have gone AGAINST the hair so pretty much always a South to North shave)

I have NEVER had a closer shave and took is slow and only had one little cut on my chin that stopped pretty fast.

I then jumped back into the shower and did the FULL COLD water on my face for a min or two. I guess this is the best way to close your pores?

I then splashes some Witch Hazel on my face and thats about it.

I know I should probably get some aftershave but I have ZERO idea what I should get EVEN after reading tons of posts. I would like to get some really nice stuff but not sure what.

Like I said I have NEVER had a closer shave and I can tell my normal razor burn that has been happening the last few months(not sure why it started) is not near as bad. Thats the main reason I started researching other methods of shaving and getting em started on wet Shaving.

The one complaint I have is my face FEELS like I have razor burn ALL over it but it looks fine???? I'm guessing thats just something I will have to get use to? Its like a dry maybe stinging feeling? just like razor burn BUT I have zero sign of any razor burn?????

Also even after the 3 passes (one being against the stubble) I still have a small amount of stubble on my two lower corners of my neck ERRR, but again WAAAY better then ever before.

Just wondering how much a WAY better Brush will help? Also, is the feel of my face normal? Its so weird it feels liek razor burn BUT zero sign of any hehe.
With some adjustments you should be able to get away from the burn feeling as well.

I gave up WTG passes on my neck, since the hair lies so flat I apparently get no beard reduction at all (and just end up irritating the skin in that pass) so I just do two passes, XTG and ATG on my neck with good, less irritating results.

Many of us will do a cross-grain (E-W or W-E) pass for the second one for some more reduction. The key is patience. If you've used cartridges all along, you'll find yourself pressing on the razor when you want more results. That's a bad idea with single blade razors. I'm often disappointed with how rough everything feels after my first couple of passes, only to have it all clean up with a very gentle ATG pass. Altogether it should be something you hear more than feel, while you're doing it. It's also possible that you're angling the handle a little too close to your face, dragging it across your face more than shearing the whiskers. This is a far more common mistake with the DE razors, since their blades are perpendicular to the handle and require an unnatural (to some) angle for proper technique.

It sounds like you're off to a great start. The lower corners of my neck are always the hardest (and most annoying when they rub against my shirt lapels).

I always do a witch hazel splash after shaving. To cool the burn, a good bet (that you can probably find at a drug store) would be Nivea post shave balm sensitive (looks something like this:

Many of us alternately use alcohol based splashes like Aqua Velva but you have to have an appreciation for brief, severe pain. :smile:

- Chris
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ATG on your first shave out! You sir, are a steely-eyed missle man! That takes some courage.

I've been at this a week, and in my vast experience I've gone ATG once on the jaw line which led directly to razor burn. So I've layed off until I have some more technique under my belt. Stricly 1 WTG and 2 XTG for now. I can get an amazingly smooth finish with 2 XTG passes in opposite directions. But I do have the same problem area you do. Lower neck / Adam's apple.
I know I should probably get some aftershave but I have ZERO idea what I should get EVEN after reading tons of posts. I would like to get some really nice stuff but not sure what.

The one complaint I have is my face FEELS like I have razor burn ALL over it but it looks fine???? I'm guessing thats just something I will have to get use to? Its like a dry maybe stinging feeling? just like razor burn BUT I have zero sign of any razor burn?????

I had that same feeling of intense burn on my face following my first few times out with a Gem SE. I have to agree with the poster above, and say it is very likely the razor angle. My technique has likely improved, as I don't get that feeling anymore. :w00t:

As for Aftershave, you can speed a lot or a little on Aftershave. In the cheapest category, I like the cooling sensation of the "Gillette Series After Shave Balm for Sensitive Skin". It's like $2.50 per container. I have not tried it, but I assume the Nivea mentioned above is probably a stellar product.

The C.O. Bigelow Aftershave Balms available from Bath and Body Works have also given me great results, and can be had for $10.00 each.

If you want to go the splash route (aka Aftershaves containing Alcohol: feel the burn baby!), I really like the classic smell of Aqua Velva.
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