Recently received my latest purchase, a Goodfellas Open Comb. When I opened the package I was a little underwhelmed to say the least, this is a tiny razor, I've shown it in the photograph on top of the Mitchell's Wool Fat Soap holder to give the size of the razor some perspective. Not only is it small but it's also quite light. My initial reaction was one of disappointment, small light and not cheap at £58($87).
Then I used it for the first time using a Simpsons Chubby 1 Best, DR Harris Almond Shaving cream and a Derby Extra blade(5 supplied with the Razor). The only way to describe the experience is that it was almost perfect, a three pass shave resulted in a great end result, very smooth, no discomfort and no nicks. Above all it is remarkably easy to use. All areas of the face are easily accessible and despite a smooth handle I had no issue with maintaining a good grip.
I've used it again on two occassions and if anything I'm even more impressed than I was the fist time. If ever the term "looks can be deceptive" applies to anything then it's this razor.
I now own six safety razors including the Goodfella and am constantly surprised that each one of them performs it's job extremely well but at the same time giving a very different experience.
I normally rotate razors every four days, the Goodfella is making me think I may extend to five at least!