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New Razor. Any Ideas?

Okay, yes I am new. I have been hawking this site for a while so I have a general jist of how things go down.

My birthday is popping up soon, turning 22 yay, and my sister asked me what I wanted; so being a gentleman I began acting like a kid in a candy store and whipped up a bunch of awesome shaving Ideas.
I have been wet shaving for a bit over a year, and have a fairly solid understanding of shaving with my merkur 34C, never gave my self a single nick since the first day I shaved...I guess I'm a quick learner...Now I am in and out with a super clean shave in under 10 mins(yes I'm fully developed on the face).

However, It got me thinking...Since I mastered this razor and it shaves like a dream for me(100% satisfied) with feather blades(yeah...They aren't bad at all like everyone says.. :/ ), Is there any other type of razor I can get that is more for "advanced" users?
I was debating between a Merkur futur, or a beginner straight razor(I love challenges).

If you are going to give me advice, I'll say I have some what sensitive skin that can be a wee irritated after...and My neck hair on one side grows in a bit of a funky spiral...So in the event of a straight razor shave, how in the world would I shave around that?!...With my current razor I just go in a circular motion with the hairs, does the same thing apply?

Any help before the 31st surely helps!

And I am sorry If I didn't post this in the correct area, If the moderators would Like to move it, just go for it! :001_cool:
You MUST have the Futur!
I don´t understand why everybody here uses a Merkur 34c. I hate these short handles.

Well, but back to the Futur. I use mine now for more than three years and it´s still fantastic.
You say, you love challenges? Than here you are right. The Futur is a heavy razor. And when you only used a "normal" razor, the head of the Futur is very big and bulky. Especially under the nose you will have your challenge. And because it´s adjustable you have a wide range of possibilities to find your own setting with different blades.

And if that sounds to ambitious for the beginning, then try out Merkur 38c. It´s an outstanding razor. Heavy with a long handle.
Don´t waste your time with a toy like 34c. Use a masculine razor!
I to love my 34C. This is the razor I honed my technique with. I now prefer the Progress.
The adj. feature may reduce the occurrence of irritation for you. I find the blade sings more than the 34 and I get a closer shave with less effort.

The R41 is not quite a challenge but I do concentrate more when using it.
If your looking for a challenge you could set your razor up like this:tongue_sm


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I think you need to do some research which in itself can be fun. You need to decide new or old,aggressive or not,adjustable or not etc.,etc..
If you really want a challenge then a straight razor is the way to go. I've found the learning curve steeper than I did with my DE. I don't have too much experience with it though so if you need a recommendation you'll need someone who has used one longer. All I can offer is that if you're on a budget then Larry at Whipped Dog has great service and inexpensive vintage razors.

If you want challenge, get the str8.

If you want a very different feeling DE to complement the 34, Futur is a great pick.
Alright guys, It looks like I was on track then! futur or straight razor it is.
I don't think the 34C Is a "toy" par se, I just think its a tame razor that just gets the job done well, regardless of your skill level, which is why I like it.
But the different settings does sound like a fun Idea, as does cutting up my face with a str8 razor...They are both on my list so either looks like it will work like a charm.

Good beginner straight razor? I don't like spending too much on new things, just in case I don't like it very much.
You should be able to recoup most of you money on any quality razor, new or used, if you don't like it. Just sell it on the BST.

If you're looking to not spend too much you can get a sight unseen razor from Whipped Dog for $41 including US shipping. It's a vintage (used) razor and probably not a gleaming show piece but it will be sharp and serviceable. I recommend this as a first step. No one ever seems to really know what they want or like when they get their first razor. Try one out, see what you like and what you don't. You'll know much more when you get your next blade.

If you do go with WCS they are great too, very good service. And they hone their razors before shipping so they are shave ready. Make sure you get a shave ready razor not matter what you choose.

@ducati. Thanks man! I generally do My shopping at WCS! They ship fast since I am on the same side of the states as they are...which is awesome for me :p

@the other dude who I don't feel like typing something.....cap....I want a slant, but what difference is there in shave quality between that and a futur?

I count down the days in which I could get a shave..its addicting and I love shaving my face...every three days :( I wish I could do a daily shave like most people here :/ Though Im only 22, hopefully it will increase as I get a touch older.
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