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New Pu-erh Box Pass

Well, the box pass seems to have stalled for whatever reason. I would like to start up another pass if there is enough interest. Based on lessons-learned, I would like to have information on everyone's state so that I can organize the pass based on area. This will minimize postage costs and shorten arrival times between individuals.

The members that were participating in the last pass were as follows:
Walter Sobchak

Please provide confirmation that you would like to continue to participate and your state location for shipping.

Here are the rules from the last teapass:

Who can participate?
- To participate you must be a registered B&B member joined prior to Jan 1st 2009 and must have a minimum of 100 posts. If you did not join before Jan 1, 2009 but have more than 300 posts, then you get to join the teapass also.
- You must live in the USA or Canada.

1) You must contribute with a tea contribution
2) You should remove the tea that you are interested in sampling, place your tea in the box and move it along within 3 working days unless there are extenuating circumstances.
3) Do not be greedy in what you take, give yourself an honest limit of how many tea you can try
4) For ease of shipping box is to be kept within the North America.
5) Label all tea added with your Badger & Blade user name next to it.
6) All tea is to be put in some sort of CLEAN container.
7) Post when you shipped the box and to whom it is going to.
8) You will in no way put anything in the box that is inappropriate or of hazardous material.
9) ALL personal information, including addresses is confidential.
10) The box MUST be kept 12*12*12 inches or smaller so the receiver does not have to pay for high shipping to the next person.
11) Request that participants post regarding the teas that they sample and their impressions.
12) If we have Canadian participants, shipping will from the USA to them will be via "First Class" postage or equivalent since "Priority Mail" is really expensive.
13) HAVE FUN!!!

How to register?
To register, please post on the forum by 19 jun 2010 and provide your state of residence for shipping.
You must qualify according to the rules above.

So, let's get the tea train rollin'!
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Where did it actually stall on the last trip?

Member may have had some extenuating circumstances but have not been able to contact him. Has been removed from list and will not be permitted to participate in the future. So, no need to throw stones in public.
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