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New Le Grelots versus Older Le Grelot

I see some beautiful Le Grelots for sale on a few vendors websites. I know nothing beats a vintage razor but are the newer ones worth the money?
I currently have 2 vintage Hospital Grelots, 2 TI Grelots and a third 1/4 Ground TI Grelot on the way. They are all equally good razors, IMHO.
Not to be too much of an enabler, but get one of these while you can. They are really great shaving razors and take and maintain a great edge. I haven't had to do any touchup work on mine since I got it from Martin, which was quite a bit ago. (it also helps that it's part of a fairly large rotation of razors)
I used to favor the 1/4 hollow LG's but now I like the 3/4-full hollows.
You can't go wrong with the new or old though!!!!
The new Le Grelots are from blanks forged before the old company closed. TI bought them up and are finishing them now. To all our benefit. They are great razors.
I just got my Le Grelot yesterday. When i took up trhe straight i bought a bunch of razors. I only used two because i was ruining the edge with improper stropping. Well I can shave and strop properly so I started using my collection. I tried my Bokers, my henckels, a Gotta and on. I used my new LeGrelot today and it was a awesome shave, my new favorite. But I still have a Livi regrind to try out.
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I picked up a Le Grelot off of BST so i can't wait to try it out. Maybe it will be here today!!:thumbup:
I have an old vintage Le Grelot, and I hear it uses the same steel as the "newer" ones. If that's the case, you are in for an incredible treat. The steel on them is unique in feeling, providing a smooth and forgiving edge that can get incredibly sharp. It's also composed of fairly hard steel, so I imagine the edge lasting longer than average.
The new Le Grelots are from blanks forged before the old company closed. TI bought them up and are finishing them now. To all our benefit. They are great razors.

Henry brings up a good point, we are really taking about old Le Grelots and old Le Grelots.

I have a 1/4 hollow and 3/4 - both are marvelous shavers. I also think Le Grelots are the epitome of simple elegance.
for what its worth, i have one of the newer ones and i am just about ready to sell all of my other razors and take the proceeds to buy what ever amount of grelots i can and quit searching for that elusive perfect razor. it may well be that i have already found it.

There are apparently 2 kinds of new Le Grelots out there that I see. The first has a distinct shoulder with double stabilizers and a fairly elaborate stamp on the shank. The second is ~near shoulderless (looks like it has the remnant of a small stabilizer toward the top) with a much simpler stamp. I assume these are both ~3/4 grind.

Anyone know anything about these differences? Anyone have any preferences?
It's the 1/4 vs 3/4 to full hollow. Very different, and rightfully so. However, they both shave marvelously and I find they can give the same shave with different feels.

So far, I've sold all my other razors except for a berg that no one seems to want. I guess I'll keep it for my son's first straight =P
I haven't tried a new one but I love the old ones. They are fantastic shavers. Probably the best non custom I've used.
It's the 1/4 vs 3/4 to full hollow. Very different, and rightfully so. However, they both shave marvelously and I find they can give the same shave with different feels.

So far, I've sold all my other razors except for a berg that no one seems to want. I guess I'll keep it for my son's first straight =P

I haven't tried a new one but I love the old ones. They are fantastic shavers. Probably the best non custom I've used.

So, the old one is the shoulderless one - or at least new blanks ground to the old standards? As far as what's available today (new), both the shoulderless and the stabilizer one are both ~3/4+ ground. The 1/4 are gone except for what you can turn up used, right?
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