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New J-nat

Just got my new Ozuku Asagi, very hard. It's 6 x 3.5 inch, looks like I need to cut a tomo out of it since I don't like using diamond plates. After I get around to doing that I will report back with results.

You could probably order one from CKTG or maybe someone can chime in where to get one. I know JNS has them but its probably best to combine the order since shipping can be high for something little.
Very nice Ozuku! I also have an Ozuku Asagi and find that it's a great finisher. It took me a little while to get the hang of the stone as it's so hard, but once I did I got great edges from it. I hope you do the same!! :thumbup1:
Ive seriously considered getting one of the Ozuku from CKTG just to cut up into Tomos. That or clip the corner off of the one I have....... Ordered some Naguras from JNS and flat forgot to get the Tomo :blink:
Well here i what I received today from CKTG for $69 and no it was not damaged in shipping.
If so they did not give it to me or Adam :lol:

As for the cracks I will leave them for now ChopperStyle

LOL Nope; I cut mine today, took a little off the width and made 3 small Tomos.

That stone actually looks pretty big Scott. I would guess they get an assortment, slightly different shapes and sizes, whatever they grab is what you get.

Mine was a "rectangle" but probably a little shorter, not quite as wide, but still more width than required for a razor, so I trimmed some off the width.

Ive been "practicing" on mine. Blunt the edge and go thru the whole progression of Nagura. So far the results have been very good.
Mine is 140x80 so the missing postage stamp is still past where the razor would be affected by it. I think its a decent middle of the road stone.
LOL Nope; I cut mine today, took a little off the width and made 3 small Tomos.

That stone actually looks pretty big Scott. I would guess they get an assortment, slightly different shapes and sizes, whatever they grab is what you get.

Mine was a "rectangle" but probably a little shorter, not quite as wide, but still more width than required for a razor, so I trimmed some off the width.

Ive been "practicing" on mine. Blunt the edge and go thru the whole progression of Nagura. So far the results have been very good.
What did you use to cut your rock?
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