Nice stone, Scott! I assume they used the end piece for a Tomo or am I incorrect?
If so they did not give it to me or Adam
As for the cracks I will leave them for now ChopperStyle
What did you use to cut your rock?LOL Nope; I cut mine today, took a little off the width and made 3 small Tomos.
That stone actually looks pretty big Scott. I would guess they get an assortment, slightly different shapes and sizes, whatever they grab is what you get.
Mine was a "rectangle" but probably a little shorter, not quite as wide, but still more width than required for a razor, so I trimmed some off the width.
Ive been "practicing" on mine. Blunt the edge and go thru the whole progression of Nagura. So far the results have been very good.
What did you use to cut your rock?