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New Guy

Hello Everyone! I am new and am thrilled I found this forum. I was always sort of a shaving nut, but after doing some reading and looking at your forum, I recognized that 1) I was doing it all wrong, and 2) I was missing an opportunity to really make my daily shave a welcome and enjoyable ritual, as well as a hobby. I have recently purchased one of the Merkur "barber pole" DE razors, a badger hair brush, and a tub of Truefitt and Hill 1805. I am looking forward to my "new life" of shaving!!! :thumbup:
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Hi Patriot, welcome! Your equipment sounds good, be sure to pick up a blade sampler pack, and find a good blade to your liking.
Thanks for the advice "closer". I have initially purchased the Merkur blades with my razor. I have read that those are decent, "middle of the road" blades. I am definitely staying away from the Feathers for now. I will have to eventually get a sampler pack though.
Hello and Welcome! You'll find a wealth of not only information but sensible grown-ups who enjoy sharing their enthusiasm for life's little pleasures.
Welcome to B&B. You're going to find a lot of help and encouragement as you're reaching your goals of making your "daily shave a welcome and enjoyable ritual" !!!
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