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New Forum Member!

Welcome to B&B. You will learn a lot here and everyone will help if you have questions or seek opinions even if you are the 100th person to ask you will be treated like the first.
That is one of the things that makes this forum great.
Welcome to the forum referenced on the other shaving forums. You'll learn a lot here as I have, and the good members here will give you good answers to your questions.
I found this site yesterday, I wish I had found it a year ago. Even though I am 43 years old, I have only used two razors in my life, the Gillette sensor and for the last seven years I have been using the Gillette fusion. Late last year I decided I wanted to use a razor like I remember my grandfather using. After a little research I decided on the Merkur 38C. On January 1st this year I made my purchase along with some Derby blades. I have not looked back ever since.

After using the razor a few weeks I decided that I also wanted to try a real aftershave like my grandfather wore. He wore old spice but I wanted one that I could call my own. After a little more research I came across a forum where a poster (as well as many others) highly recommended Clubman After Shave Lotion. I picked up a bottle at the walgreens down the street from my house. This stuff is awesome!! I have used it almost everyday since I purchased it. I just purchased some more off their website yesterday (I have since moved this year and don't have any retailer close to me).

My grandfather passed away in 1992. I was still really young and did not think like I do today. If I could go back in time I would make sure that I kept his razor and use it as my own. I am sure my mom and uncle more than likely threw it out. I remember it like yesterday even though I could not have been no older than 6 or 7 years old, how he would mix the shaving cream in a cup. I tried to replicate this but failed. It always came out really thin. After seeing many of the pictures on this forum I need to rethink this. I obviously am doing something wrong.

Since I have started on my adventure I went from only shaving when I had to, too shaving every single day. This is my story and this is what brought me here. I am really looking forward to reading your posts and learning what right looks like from the veterans on this forum.

Thanks for sharing that heart felt story about you Grandad. Here is my vid on how to make a fast lather, just mix in water as you whip it.

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