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New brush routine?

When you get a new brush is there anything that should be done to it? (Like wash it with a certain soap, etc?)

And when you're done shaving should it be washed, or just rinsed with water?
My new brushes are considered ready for use when they come out of the box, though some gents wash it with a mild shampoo or conditioner prior to the first lathering.
It is said that washing the brush from time to time will help preserve its water retention capability.
After use just rinse abundantly with water (first warm then cold, or just warm). Then shake dry and do a quick (but gentle) one-over with a soft towel.
I always wash a new brush with classic shaving brush cleaner. One of my brushes exuded this ugly yellow stuff when it was first cleaned so now I do it to all new brushes though few seem to do that.
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