im looking to pick up a new brush its ethier the choice between a vulfix best badger or a omega boar brush i need help with which to choose it seems the badger will be better but i been using a cheap boar till i was able to get the money.
Trying to term one as 'better' than the other is very subjective. You are not really comparing apples with apples. Now if you were comparing two boars or two badger brushes that might be different.
It would also help to know which models you are looking at and how you build your lather (face, bowl etc).
yeah, really depends on what you're looking for. If you are having a hard time choosing between boar and badger, take a look at the semogue 830 on
It's really soft for a boar...*WAY* softer than the Omegas...and has more backbone for face lathering than most badgers. Sometimes I like my VDH better than my 830 because it's really stiff, and sometimes I like my finest or silvertip badgers better because they are so soft and fluffy, but if I could only have one brush it would probably be the 830.
Vulfix also makes a mixed brush with part badger hair and part boar bristle.
i like to face lather better then in a bowl or on my hand and the boar fluffman seems like a good look into and im looking to get more but i need something better for now so im leaning more towards boar and the one you showed me thanks