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New brush for newbie

Hey Guys,
I have started DE shaving a couple of months ago and so far the only brush I've been using is the Tweezerman badger brush that I bought off Amazon for something like $10. I like it that it does the job but is there any other brush that I can purchase that's reasonably priced thats going to be better? Is there any other low priced good quality brush that you guys recommend?
Check out vintage blades. Apparently their brushes are awesome and can be had for about $30.

Big +1 on this. Just got a 24mm 2 band from there. Soft as heck when wet (almost gel like is the only way to describe it) and heavy handle and good backbone and flow through. It's a fantastic price for a brush this good.
I had a tweezerman badger brush that I gave to my son after I went to the Semoque 1305 boar brush. Also added a Semoque 1250 as a backup while the 1305 is drying (switch off every two shaves). They break in easy, have good backbone, are really soft once broken in. And, I don't get that pokey feeling that I did with the tweezerman. A brush, like any other shaving item, is a tool to getting a great shave so get what you can comfortably afford. There is tons of research material on this forum so you should have no problem getting the information you seek. Good luck in your endevor and "great shaves".:thumbup:
I keep hearing good things about the Semoque 1305 Boar brush. My Tweezerman is definitely not soft but still pokey after 2 months of everyday use. I might go ahead and try the Semoque after seeing all the good reviews on B&B. thank you guys for all the info!
if you're looking for another badger brush, the Vintage Blades Finest 2 Band is a sweet brush and a great value. http://www.vintagebladesllc.com/vshop/xcart/home.php?cat=240

if you want to venture into the land of the pig, Semogue makes fantastic boar hair brushes. The 830 is a great brush to get started with. If you have some extra cash go straight to an Owner's Club (~$45). http://vintagescent.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=5

+1 Excellent recommendations!
I keep hearing good things about the Semoque 1305 Boar brush. My Tweezerman is definitely not soft but still pokey after 2 months of everyday use. I might go ahead and try the Semoque after seeing all the good reviews on B&B. thank you guys for all the info!
I had the same problem with Tweezerman's prickliness after 4 months! Total ***, as far as I'm concerned.

I have the Semogue 1305, and I really like it. Some will tell you to just break it in by using it, while others will give advice as to how to break it in with various lathering and drying techniques. I chose the latter method. I would soak it in very warm water, lather it, shake the water out, beat it across a fan grate (not hard, just enough to rough the tips up a bit), then let it dry with the fan blowing through it (I suppose you could use a hair dryer, but I shave my head and don't own one). After about 3-4 weeks of this (it takes some patience) the brush hairs were loaded with split ends, which is what you want. It was super soft the first time I used it, and I still use it all the time - at least as much as I use my Simpson Colonel. Keep in mind, it is a very different feel from a good badger brush, but I've found it to be a great all around performer - creams or soaps, bowl or face lathering.
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