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New? brush at AOS

Power shave brush

"Technology" and Marketing led us down the path of the 5-Blade cartridge..... I shudder to think where this might lead.
It has a disposable knot. Every time you put a new blade in your Fusion you put a new sanitary disposable knot in your brush. (I hope nobody from Proctor-Gamble read this)
And I didn't believe the "sales person" a few weeks ago when I was buying some soap. I chalked it up as their usual total lack of knowledge. (This clerk had a good growth of not so well maintained beard. Nice image for a shop supposedly specializing in shaving.) When he told me about this brush, I almost started laughing.

I guess anything goes with this outfit. Now they have a buzzy brush to go with their buzzy razors. As PT Barnum said...... :001_rolle:001_rolle:001_rolle
I'm glad they still make a great shaving soap and shaving cream. That brush does not deserve to be placed in the same shop as their soaps and creams.
I'm glad they still make a great shaving soap and shaving cream. That brush does not deserve to be placed in the same shop as their soaps and creams.

I agree, I was just in the new shop in Scottsdale today just to look around and I saw it there. What a shame, really belongs in skymall or something like that.
I got my brush at AOS and they tried to sell me one of those too by telling me it would help "exfoliate more." Yeah-- I think the sales lady heard me chuckle and that ended that.
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