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New Boar brush, what a Beauty!

I got a new Omega 31020 boar brush and I wanted to share my excitement with the only other people that might find it interesting, my friends at B&B. I used it today. Boar brushes always amaze me at how well they perform for such a low price. What a deal! I had to share a picture.

Omega makes a KILLER boar brush product and that one looks superlative

Enjoy it and keep posting pics of it!!!!!
It's a big brush and it will hold a lot of foam. Enjoy! How's that rectangular handle? Comfortable enough?
It's a big brush and it will hold a lot of foam. Enjoy! How's that rectangular handle? Comfortable enough?

Yeah the handle is okay. I just had to decide if I liked my thumb or index finger on the corner indention. I settled on putting the thumb there.
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