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New acquisitions, got some questions.

My boyfriend and I checked out the local flea market, and picked up a couple new additions. The first two are the ones I already had, the Lady Gillette, and I'm not quite sure what the second one is. I got both of them off ebay, the Lady Gillette was around 45 with shipping, and the little travel one was arund 13. Not too bad, the lady was a little steep I thought, but it came with a case, and it looked in good shape.




These next two we just acquired today for my boyfriend, they were the only ones we could find in the hour we were there. Both of them were 5 bucks, not bad I thought. The first one I was able to look up, 1960's Gillette Super Speed, date code G1. I'm having trouble finding consistent data on the second one, I think it's a Gillette Norfolk, the patent date is Jan 13, 1920, there's a serial number 811660A.








There's some considerable tarnish and cheesiness that I have to clean off. Any cleaning and sanitization suggestions would be appreciated, as any information on the types of razors these are. As you can see from the last two pictures, I accidentally found out that the handle can be pulled off, not sure what use that would have, and it's pretty gross in there. The last two are for my boyfriend, and he's never wetshaved before, so I'm kind of introducing him to it from whatever I can find out on here and the internet in general. Since I've never seen steel tarnish, is the Norfolk a silver razor? That's going to affect how I clean it, so I was just wondering. It has a more metallic smell than the super speed, but that might just be because it's older. Please send any comments my way, I'm pretty clueless! :biggrin:
I think that is a silver Tuckaway as it has New Improved head. The Norfolk, I believe has a New head. Nice pick up!
Looks like the last one is what's called a "Tuckaway." The numbers on the top of the gaurd plate can be referenced on th eserial number list to determine the exact year. It's a New Improved head, very nice shaver.

Scrubbing bubbles and any high quality silver polish will clean it up really well. A jeweler may be able to solder the handle back together after it's been well cleaned.
I think that is a silver Tuckaway as it has New Improved head. The Norfolk, I believe has a New head. Nice pick up!

Is it made with real silver? If so, lipstick works great in cleaning silver tarnish up.

I thought of picking up a Lady Gillette as they do look pretty cool. Then giving it to my Sis-N-Law so she can save some money as their budget is pretty tight at the moment. Definitely a nice score there. :biggrin1:
I was thinking of using toothpaste on the silver one, as I don't have any other kind of cleaner for this type of thing. Thanks for the info guys!! :smile:
Tuckaways were silver or gold plated. The Lady Gillettes are nickel (I believe) finished razors.

Actually, the Lady Gillette handles appear to be anodized aluminum (with different color anodizing for the different color models). The head is probably nickel plated, like on the Super Speed.

- Chris
The handle does look like aluminum, but it's hard to tell with the coloring. The head is heavier than the handle, so that makes me think the handle is aluminum. None of the parts are magnetic. At first I thought the head was, but I realized that it was probably the blade (duh) so I took it out and the magnet wouldn't stick after that. It wasn't a strong attraction anyway which made me suspect the blade. Nickel is supposed to be magnetic, so what the heck could the head be made of? I guess it's still possible for it to be plated, but what would be under that?


My elbows leak
Staff member
The handle does look like aluminum, but it's hard to tell with the coloring. The head is heavier than the handle, so that makes me think the handle is aluminum. None of the parts are magnetic. At first I thought the head was, but I realized that it was probably the blade (duh) so I took it out and the magnet wouldn't stick after that. It wasn't a strong attraction anyway which made me suspect the blade. Nickel is supposed to be magnetic, so what the heck could the head be made of? I guess it's still possible for it to be plated, but what would be under that?

Nickel plate over brass.

The second razor in the post is a travel Tech.

That Tuckaway is a beaut. Congrats on a good score. About 10 seconds in Tarn-x, no more than that, and she'll look gorgeous. (wear nose plugs)
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