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Need vintage shower accessory

I sent along 3 photos of a vintage old shower adapter which just gave up the farm. It was from back in the crewcut days so was quite popular then. I think my wife bought it from a novelty type catalog [Carol Wright, Harriet Carter, Walter Drake]. I checked all their current catalogs and no luck.
The reason I need one like this is, I have been using this accessory for 25 years bathing dogs. It is very unique for this purpose and works fantastic as it allows the head to be flat against their coat, sealing & forcing the water deep through the coat right to the skin. The hose slides between your four fingers then the head fits right in the palm of the hand.
I've been spoiled with this thing for so long, I don't think I could just get by doing a lousy job and $Shower accessory 003 reduced.jpg$Shower accessory 002 reduced.jpg$Shower accessory 001 reduced.JPGmaking a mess with a hose or sprayer.
Any thoughts of any other places I could look?
MANY thanks,
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