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Need Tips for Shaving the Face of My Boyfriend

My boyfriend is letting me shave his face this weekend. His brother uses a Merkur, I use an EJ, and my boyfriend using the icky Fusion thingy that you can turn on and it vibrates (we were all having a conversation tonight as they share an apartment). My boyfriend currently uses one cartridge a month even though he shaves at least three times a week, and his razor catches and he doesn't care. His brother cringed and I cringed....

He also just rubs his shampoo/bodywash/shaving gel liquid mixture on his face with his fingers, so I convinced him tonight to get a brush and his brother and I are trying to talk him into shaving soap or something.

Anyone have any tips for his face? I'm pretty good at doing my legs and I've never had trouble with my arms, but I don't want to hack him to pieces.


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My boyfriend is letting me shave his face this weekend. His brother uses a Merkur, I use an EJ, and my boyfriend using the icky Fusion thingy that you can turn on and it vibrates................. but I don't want to hack him to pieces.

Don't worry. It's probably easier to get a new boyfriend.
Don't worry. It's probably easier to get a new boyfriend.


Que 20 posts until a serious answer.

I tried shaving my older brother with my straight and he just has too sensitive of a neck so I whipped out my DE instead. That went okay. If he uses body wash to shave, he's probably a tough soldier and can take a little error room. Shaving with a straight could be a little tricky but if you already know how to use a DE on your legs then you're probably better off shaving someone elses face than we are.
Don't worry. It's probably easier to get a new boyfriend.

:thumbdown I happen to like my boyfriend, I just don't like that he never changes his cartridge hardly. If he wants to use that kind of razor, it's his business. I'd just like to help him not go through soap like a gang buster and show him it can be fun.

Que 20 posts until a serious answer.

I tried shaving my older brother with my straight and he just has too sensitive of a neck so I whipped out my DE instead. That went okay. If he uses body wash to shave, he's probably a tough soldier and can take a little error room. Shaving with a straight could be a little tricky but if you already know how to use a DE on your legs then you're probably better off shaving someone elses face than we are.

Yeah, my EJ is a pretty non aggressive shave (IMHO) and if I can do ATG under my arms as a third pass without irritation or ingrown, I think I at least know how to work with curves. And I'm good with my knees except when I rush. I'm just nervous and excited at the same time. :blush:
I say start with a less aggressive angle to get a feel before really going for it. Also, if you're in a warm bath together when you try, I'm sure you can take as many passes as you like. It's also, um, great prep.

(Seriously, if I was in college and my girlfriend offered to lather me up, the shave she'd get for free.)
I don't think it would be that hard to do.

The one thing you might be able to do that would help is after he hasn't shaved for a few days, feel the stubble on his dry face in every direction to get a basic idea of which way is WTG, XTG, and ATG. Hair grows in different directions on every guys face, especially around the lower neck area.
You'll be fine; just go slowly, massage the cream into his beard so you get some idea of whisker direction, and shave using short strokes pulling the skin of his face taut (push or pull up at the cheek bones, encourage him to lift his chin so you can shave the neck). With the way he's shaving now pretty much anything is going to be an improvement so if you only slightly show him there's a better way you'll be ahead.

Most importantly, you should relax and enjoy yourself.
Just be careful and you'll be fine! Your hand wielding a DE will probably give him a better shave than he has gotten so far.
This actually reminds me of an old carnival game I played as a kid...

Inflate a balloon. Get a sharpie, draw a face on it. Get some cheap lather, maybe canned goop, and practice shaving the balloon :w00t:

Mrs. Smith gave me a crack at shaving her gams. Straighter and less sensitive than my mug, I figured it'd be a cinch. Not so, it's like trying to tie a full Windsor knot on someone else's neck, or trying to drive in the UK. It's all backwards and confuzzlin' :blink:
Make sure you use a brand new blade. Good preparation is important. He should either shower first of use a few hot towels on his face to loosen up the stubble. Also make sure you get a very good lather of a pleasant smelling cream or soap. Just take it slow and you'll be fine.
Make sure you use a brand new blade. Good preparation is important. He should either shower first of use a few hot towels on his face to loosen up the stubble. Also make sure you get a very good lather of a pleasant smelling cream or soap. Just take it slow and you'll be fine.

He's going to shower first so that everything is all ready that way.

Should I insist on using my soap/cream or with all the prep would it be okay to use his soap that's not specific for shaving? I lathered up a bit to show him how brushes work last night and it seemed to be okay, but I haven't tried to shave with it yet. (I have Proraso and Col. Conk Lime)
Use your soap. It will make your job easier and give him a better shave. His soap won't have as much glide or cushion. It will let him feel what a proper lather is like also.
Just my opinion, but I think he's better off doing his own shave. DE shaving isn't that far off from a cart, and if he's currently using month-old carts he's probably pretty darn good at being gentle with the things. I think you should supervise, getting the lather right and making sure he doesn't use the same pressure as with his cart. I don't think your experience will substitute for his ability to get that tactile feedback of how to angle the thing.

But I totally understand the desire to shave your SO.. the above is from a practical perspective.
Just my opinion, but I think he's better off doing his own shave. DE shaving isn't that far off from a cart, and if he's currently using month-old carts he's probably pretty darn good at being gentle with the things. I think you should supervise, getting the lather right and making sure he doesn't use the same pressure as with his cart. I don't think your experience will substitute for his ability to get that tactile feedback of how to angle the thing.

But I totally understand the desire to shave your SO.. the above is from a practical perspective.

I understand the practicality! :001_cool: He just offered to let me shave his face, so I want to try. His capability with a razor seems to be 'put blade on face. Push down really hard with no thoughts of angle. Be thankful it's hard to cut yourself with a cartridge.' (My ex was the same way and he wanted me to shave like that!)
Do the shave your way, with your soap and brush. Make it a luxurious and fun experience.

A previous poster had good advice, which is to check the direction(s) of his beard growth beforehand so you can be ready with a plan.

Be sure to report back afterwards to let us know how it went.
His brother uses a Merkur, I use an EJ, and my boyfriend using the icky Fusion thingy

The solution's obvious -- you've got the wrong brother. :lol:

Joking aside, start with just the cheeks using a DE and do the rest with the cartridge. It's a lot easier to notice improvement there (it's the first place you'd feel, the place you'd kiss, the place you'd snuggle, &c) and it's probably the place least likely to get cut or irritated (the neck's the problem). He'll likely notice a dramatic improvement there. As for technique, I'd assume his brother would have relatively similar hair & skin -- why don't you ask him how he shaves with his Merkur? A good starting place would be two passes, WTG & XTG (or three passes WTG, WTG, and XTG, since a mild razor + mild blade + no pressure might not get everything on the first WTG pass).
You’re only going to get one shot at this, so you need to pull out the big guns. Work that prep really hard – make a great lather, let it sit on his face under hot towels for 5 minutes, relather and do some easy gentle WTG and XTG passes. Aim for smooth and consistent, don’t worry about getting too close the first time.
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