I just picked this up on the bay, a Cardinal and Esterbrook. Got em cheap! Both need/needed a bit of work. The Esterbrook I had an extra sac and nib for, so it's rocking along nicely. The Cardinal is another matter. The sac was filled solid with ink and I trashed it. Not sure what I could have done about that.
Could use a bit of help with 2 things. 1. How do I fix that converter? and are there other options? 2. I don't know if the nib on the Cardinal is functional, but the Esterbrook one isn't. What's the best way to unplug it. I've been soaking them in dish soap and water. Now,they're in diluted nail polish remover. Again, if the E nib dies, I have an extra and another one on the way. I can blow through the Cardinal one, so I think it's ok. Any suggestions? Thanks y'all!

Could use a bit of help with 2 things. 1. How do I fix that converter? and are there other options? 2. I don't know if the nib on the Cardinal is functional, but the Esterbrook one isn't. What's the best way to unplug it. I've been soaking them in dish soap and water. Now,they're in diluted nail polish remover. Again, if the E nib dies, I have an extra and another one on the way. I can blow through the Cardinal one, so I think it's ok. Any suggestions? Thanks y'all!