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Need some advice on skin care

Hey guys, Im new to taking care of my skin. I am 20 years old and have never had a problem with breaking out or acne or anything like that. I used to just wash my skin with soap and thats it. My skin is naturally very soft also and never had an issue there. But while reading GQ the other day I saw some skin care products and I figured I would take a look. This opened a lot of doors for me and i realized even though my skin isnt a huge issue I could do things to improve it. Im not sure what my skin type is but my nose is slightly oily at times and sometimes my forehead can get dry. So I found some products that I read were good and figured I would give them a try.

Baxter of California shave gel
Sharps After shave
Jack black Lip balm
Kiehls facial fuel moisturizer
Billy Jealousy Exfoliate scrub

These are what I came up with but i would like to also add in daily scrub, a mask, and if needed a toner. I also was curious what to use as a body wash? Please help with any insight you may have. Thanks a ton.

Well see this is the embarrassing part... Ive been told and would like to think Im very good looking. I am trying to get a modeling job to pay for college, so I am willing to pay the best to get the best results. I want my skin to look amazing when I go in for the shoot.
Hi there, welcome to B&B!

I'm younger like you (23) and have been obsessed with skin care since I was 19. I think the most important thing for you to do is to not get carried away and do too much--excess cleansing, scrubbing, masks, etc., combined with shaving, can do a lot more harm than good, and is unnecessary for young healthy skin. The most important thing is to have a simple regimen with quality products of gentle cleansing, moisturizing, mild exfoliation sparingly, and shaving. In my case, I believe my skin took a HUGE leap forward when I learned to shave with a double-edge safety razor and quality lather. The micro-exfoliation of the sharp blade combined with a quality lather does wonders for the skin.

I'm not impressed with any of the products you list. I think it's wrong to only look into products that are marketed for men--most of it is garbage, in my opinion. Don't be afraid to check out brands that are not specifically targeted for men. I like boutique, spa-based brands like Epicuren and Osea. If you insist on having "men" products, 4voo.com is decent, although expensive and marketing-heavy, as well as Billy Jealousy and Zirh. Nancy Boy is a product line I learned about through B&B and looks promising, but I've never tried anything from them.

It will take some time, but you'll learn to look at ingredient lists and get a feel for what's good and what isn't. The cleaner the ingredient list (lack of potentially harmful fillers and/or preservatives like parabens, phenoxyethanol, sulfates, etc.) while still being effective, the better.

I think the first step is to determine your skin type. If you can afford it, it might be a good idea to find a good esthetician in your area, and get a facial--she'll be able to tell exactly what your skin type is and give you recommendations. I would take her specific product recommendations with a grain of salt because most spas just recommend the product lines they personally sell which may be great, but you might also find better with some research--don't be afraid to take your time when it comes to what to buy.

Once you've an idea of your skin type (probably oily or oily-combination, it may also change with the seasons; I'm dry in the winter and oily during the summer), the basics are to find a gentle, effective cleanser and a good moisturizer. Moisturizing is the key, in my opinion, to skin that looks healthy and smooth. Most professionals, I think, will say that also wearing a sunscreen is critically important because the sun is responsible for a lot of premature aging--I don't follow this simply because I hate wearing sunscreen; I think it's slimy and gross to wear, and I'm not convinced it's actually effective at combating the sun. I just try and avoid the sun as much as possible. This is just my personal choice, you may disagree, definitely look into it and decide for yourself.

An esthetician came here and started a long thread about skincare where she answered a lot of questions, there's a ton of good information in there and I learned a lot, you should definitely check it out:


Finally, for a body wash, a lot of guys around here are fond of Savon de Marseille olive oil soap,


which is very different from the detergent bar "soap" that is found in drugstores, WAY better for your skin, although it's not really my thing. I like a good body wash that is lathered with a mesh pouf, like these:


The mesh pouf creates a good lather and the slightly rough texture gently scrubs/exfoliates. The body wash I like right now is Epicuren Rosemary Lave.

I hope it helps!
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I'm am old bloke and having used moisturiser for about 15 years, looking after you skin does help keep it healthy.

Keep it simple. A good face cleanser - not soap - it will dry skin out, toner and moisturiser is all you really need, the rest is nice if you have the time and can afford it.

I use witch hazel as a toner; it's dirt cheap and works well. you may have to experiment with moisturiser to find one that suits you skin and isn't heavy and claggy, but Jack Black double duty is excellent. You lucky people in the states only pay $25 for it. It's worth 3X that IMO.
Since you say that you already have good skin, you probably do not want to use a face scrub daily. Perhaps once or twice a week will suffice in which case I recommend Ocean Salt by Lush or Sharps Barber and Shop Daily Prep Concentrated Foaming Wash (women in Beverly Hills use this man's product in lieu of getting facials). For a gentler daily face wash try Anthony Logistics Glycolic Face Wash.

I would also recommend stepping into a Sephora shop. They are pros and can recommend products based on looking at your skin. We can only guess without seeing you.
I'm am old bloke and having used moisturiser for about 15 years, looking after you skin does help keep it healthy.

Keep it simple. A good face cleanser - not soap - it will dry skin out, toner and moisturiser is all you really need, the rest is nice if you have the time and can afford it.

I use witch hazel as a toner; it's dirt cheap and works well. you may have to experiment with moisturiser to find one that suits you skin and isn't heavy and claggy, but Jack Black double duty is excellent. You lucky people in the states only pay $25 for it. It's worth 3X that IMO.

I agree with this post. Especially about the Jack Black Double Duty. It is a very good non-greasy face moisturizer w/ spf of 25. I use this in the morning and either Baxter of California's or CO Bigelow light moisturizer (without sun protection) at night.

I also like the Jack Black Pure Clean face cleanser. It rinses very clean.

While I'm aware that a lot of the cost for the "Men's" products is marketing and that there may be comparable low cost drug store alternatives, I still haven't found drug store varieties that work as well as the more expensive lines marketed for men (plus they don't smell girly).

I'm in my mid 30's and have had issues with acne since I was a teenager. Wet shaving along with using a good facial cleanser, toner (usually my aftershave splash) followed by a good moisturizer has basically eliminated any issues with acne. If I fall off of my routine, the acne returns. Different products react differently with my skin, so you may have to do some experimentation. Good luck.
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