Hey guys, Im new to taking care of my skin. I am 20 years old and have never had a problem with breaking out or acne or anything like that. I used to just wash my skin with soap and thats it. My skin is naturally very soft also and never had an issue there. But while reading GQ the other day I saw some skin care products and I figured I would take a look. This opened a lot of doors for me and i realized even though my skin isnt a huge issue I could do things to improve it. Im not sure what my skin type is but my nose is slightly oily at times and sometimes my forehead can get dry. So I found some products that I read were good and figured I would give them a try.
Baxter of California shave gel
Sharps After shave
Jack black Lip balm
Kiehls facial fuel moisturizer
Billy Jealousy Exfoliate scrub
These are what I came up with but i would like to also add in daily scrub, a mask, and if needed a toner. I also was curious what to use as a body wash? Please help with any insight you may have. Thanks a ton.
Well see this is the embarrassing part... Ive been told and would like to think Im very good looking. I am trying to get a modeling job to pay for college, so I am willing to pay the best to get the best results. I want my skin to look amazing when I go in for the shoot.
Baxter of California shave gel
Sharps After shave
Jack black Lip balm
Kiehls facial fuel moisturizer
Billy Jealousy Exfoliate scrub
These are what I came up with but i would like to also add in daily scrub, a mask, and if needed a toner. I also was curious what to use as a body wash? Please help with any insight you may have. Thanks a ton.
Well see this is the embarrassing part... Ive been told and would like to think Im very good looking. I am trying to get a modeling job to pay for college, so I am willing to pay the best to get the best results. I want my skin to look amazing when I go in for the shoot.