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Need sharp blade recommendation for Tech

When I first got my Gillette Tech I was a little disappointed. I couldn't get anything resembling a close shave, yet I somehow kept cutting myself and getting lots of weepers.

That was with Derby blades (which had worked fine in my Merkur Classic). When I dropped in a Asco (orange box) blade everything changed. Now I LOVE the Tech, gives smooth close shaves with NO irritation!

The only problem is that I am almost out of my Asco 5-pack. I think the reason the Ascos worked better than the Derbys is because they are sharper.

Can anyone recommend a good sharp blade for use in the Tech, or should I stick with Asco?


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If you don't have any problems with that blade right now, I would buy another pack or two and continue with that one. The less you change, the quicker you will learn.

If you want to get something else, I would suggest a razor blade sample pack. Blades such as Astra Superior Platinum, Crystal, Personna, Feathers.
+1 on the Astra SP. My Techs also play nice with Red IPs, Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows, and Gillette Bleue Extras.

I can't stand Feathers in any of my razors, but that's just my experience with them - it seems that most Tech users here swear by them.
The Astra SPs work well for me in a lot of different razors, but for a Tech, I'd be inclined to try Feathers, Iridiums, and Personnas. Come to think of it, Treets actually played nicely with the Tech too.
Astra SP for me, too, but a lot of blades I have tried have done well in the Tech: Astra, 7 AM, Red IP, Personna, Iridium, Crystals, Feathers...

Not surprised the Derby gave you trouble... Worst blade I have loaded into my HD or Tech.
Feathers, Iridiums and Astra SP's are all good for tech style razors, but i would recommend to stay with what is working for you now.Remember YMMV.
My favorite blades with my Tech are Red Pack Personnas. I tried the Blue W/red stripe Ascos and they were OK, but I'm not terribly crazy about them.

I would suggest, obviously, the Red Pack Personnas, or if you want something thats ridiculously sharp despite the fact that theres no need for it to be so sharp and they slice my face to ribbons no matter what I do...Try Feathers.

Edit To Add:

Treets actually played nicely with the Tech too.

Yup, I agree. I use their blue-special blades now and then.
Trig, also made by Treet, works pretty good too.
if you want something thats ridiculously sharp despite the fact that theres no need for it to be so sharp and they slice my face to ribbons no matter what I do...Try Feathers.

Yeah I know everyone always recommends feathers for the Tech but I am worried that there extreme sharpness combined with my super sensitive skin will lead to disaster.

Thanks for all the advice everyone! I am going to try to find a couple sample packs that include as many of your recommendations as possible. As always this is a great board!
Yeah I know everyone always recommends feathers for the Tech but I am worried that there extreme sharpness combined with my super sensitive skin will lead to disaster.

Oh no, Im NOT recommending them...Im just saying they're the definition of sharp!

I suggest the red pack personnas.
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