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Need help with identification

I went to an antique stor, and found a DE razor. I couldnt find any patent/model/letters on this one. All I found was Gillette imprinted on the bottom of the head. It was all silver, non adjustable, and the top screwed off(three piece) to change blades. Any ideas? I'll go back again and see if I can find any numbers or anything. I'm thinking of purchasing it. Its in really good shape. any thoughts on the matter? thanks for the help in advance.
ok, thanks. I took a look around and I believe it is the Gillette Tech. Thats the one that looks the closest to it.
ok, thanks. I took a look around and I believe it is the Gillette Tech. Thats the one that looks the closest to it.

Tech's are really great quality, mild shavers. You really can't go wrong with them. They are also built like a tank, and only dropping it repeated times would render it unshavable.

However, the Tech is probably the razor that Gillette produced the most of. So unless it was in pristine condition, or included a mint condition box, I wouldn't pay more than $15-20 for it, as that is the going rate for them on this board.

Techs show up in the B/S/T forum here almost every week. :tongue_sm
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