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Need help with dovo shavette

No, I've never tried injectors, as I've heard it's the third alternative to Mach3 type razors and DE's right? Are those called "schick injectors"?. Strangely there's a shop near my house that always sells shick injector blades, but doesn't sell the razor itself, I think the blades are more expensive than DE blades, so I have my doubts if it's worth it. Were can one buy a schick injector razor?
EMS Diasum and Ted Pella both have injector blades for U$S 0.22 or so each, plus shipping, and a lot of pharmacies and drug stores still carry them in the US. $0.22/blade is more expensive than the some DE blades (Dorcos, Derbys, Crystals, Red Pack Israelis), but still reasonable compared to other DE blades like Merkurs and Feathers, and IIRC some gents get more shaves out of injector blades. I don't know if it would be cost effective to ship to Europe, though, and I remember being surprised at the cost of S&H with Ted Pella when I split an order with another gent. I wish that injector blades were slightly cheaper but their cost isn't high enough to make me ration them or use them less.

Schick was the major producer of injector razors. You can often get them on the BST or on eBay for less than U$S 20, depending on the model and condition. I would also check any junk/antique shops in the area and see if they have some, as it might save you money to find one locally or to buy one from a seller in the EU.
Thanks for the help MooingLizard, very helpful!
No problem, happy to help. Keep in mind, however, that that post contains virtually all of my knowledge about injectors, and that I've only had four shaves (one blade's worth for me) with an injector razor. I'm getting there, though.
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