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Need help with a Gillette DE tech!

Hello all.
First post. thanks for reading.

I have a (i believe) 1967 Gillette Tech.
I love it. It is in perfect condition and gives me the best shave that I've ever had!'
My only complaint is the extremely short handle.

I also have a 1962 adjustable Gillette which is a beautiful razor but it doesnt shave me as nice as the Tech.
however, the handle is perfect!!

so my question is, can I get a longer handle to screw in to the Tech?
that would make me a happy camper. thanks!!
here is a photo of the two for size comparison.

Hhmmm, that is unfortunate. It is a really classy handle with the engraving in it.. I just really wish it were a bit longer
its not a deal killer but it would be nice.

perhaps I just need to get some skill with the adjustable..

just saw the above post.
Where should I start to look for a handle like yours that would fit my Tech?
I would hate to buy something that would not screw in...
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At first thought I needed a long handle also. But after using a Gillette fat handle, and a ball end handle for a while, which probably is similar in length to the handle you have, I now find it quite comfortable. And I have rather big hands. The handles actually seem to fit the razor perfectly. Maybe just try it for a while and see if you become adjusted to it. Of course YMMV, but they really are nicely engineered razors just the way they are.
One of the vendors here called UFO Razor Handles makes some really nice handles that will fit your Tech head. They have different sizes, styles and metals to choose from. I've seen many members on here talk about them and seem to be very happy with them. I also agree with trying the fat handled Tech, it's one of my favorite razors.

Don't give up on the Tech just yet. My first DE was a long-handle Parker; I'd always used a Sensor, so the long handle made sense at the time.
Shortly thereafter I got a "fat-handle" Tech, and found with a little practice I was able to get MUCH better shaves with the shorter handle. The Parker was soon on the B/S/T.
If I had not gotten the Tech and stayed with the Parker I probably would've gone back to the Sensor.
FWIW, I never liked the ball-end Tech model you have. Maybe if you got a fat-handled one it would work better for you.
Below is a photo (not mine) of the various Techs. The fat-handle is on the right.
I have a Tech and it is a superb shaver but what I don't like about it is the steel head stays hotter longer when you dip it in the sink to clean it during shaving.
All my other razors be they brass or pot metal never give me this problem and the Tech feels like I'm shaving with a hot knife!!!
The punched steel head construction was obviously a cost effective way for Gillette to manufacture them as they moved away from brass which was die cast and machined.
The Tech was the end of the golden age of razor construction by Gillette!
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