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Need help identifying this Gillette OC

As a result of experiencing RAD, collected quite a few razors in the last couple of months. Problem is, I cannot determine what this razor is - New Long Comb, Short Comb or something else? Please help me identify. Thank You!
New handle

Tech Handle

The extra ring in the bottom is what makes me think it's a tech handle. Though I don't have an old type here on hand to compare them in person.
It is an early-production NEW, which originally came with the ball-end handle from the Old Type. As was typical of the OT handle, the original had a crack in it that eventually rendered it useless. Quite often people with cracked handles replaced them later in life with Tech handles (or sometimes with handles from other manufacturers like Star or Durham Duplex) just to keep shaving with their favorite head!

We know yours is an early production example as it does not have the "reissue" patent numbers on the base plate which were added after the takeover of Gillette by Auto-Strop in the early '30s.

Most guys feel the NEW was Gillette's best-shaving open-comb razor. Enjoy the shaves!!
Thank you everyone for the input. I now look forward to experiencing the New Short head with a Tech handle (Based on PFP_Dad's pictures). I like to know what razor I am using so I can compare my experience with others' here.
The head is actually a Long Comb New. If the handle is solid and heavy then it's most likely from a Tech. Old Type handles are hollow. The Long Comb is a great shaver.
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