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Need electric razor recommendation

Now that I have your attention... ;-)

Actually, this is a serious request. Two weeks ago, my 67 year old father suffered a massive stroke which has left him with paralysis on the left side. Since he is a lefty, he is now faced with relearning how to do a lot of things that used to be very simple for him. Shaving is one of those things. As you can imagine, this is a pretty frustrating situation for him. My dad has tried shaving with his right hand, but it hasn't gone well. In order to let him regain as much independence as possible as well has keep the "clean shaven" look he is used to, my mom is planning to get him an electric razor.

My dad was never into an elaborate routine - ivory soap lathered with a boar brush, Gillette Mach 5 single pass against the grain, no after shave. He has a very tough, thick beard, so I've never understood how he avoided getting a wicked razor burn, but he did. He had this same technique even when he used to use a Schick injector.

So, any electric razor recommendations from the B&B crowd that would enable him to keep a clean look and have a routine that isn't too frustrating?



three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Second on the Braun. I used electrics for many years before seeing the light and all the Braun razors were very good.
My best to your father and your family. I have never used a Braun but I have several friends that do and they speak highly of them.


I haven't used electrics since the 80's, but when I did I remember that I bought the most expensive platinum head razor there was since it was supposed to give the best shave. I did a good job, but when it finaly broke down I didn't want to spend that much money again so I bought a cheap remmington and found it actualy shaved much better than the expensive one. I'm not sure if they still sell them, but if I were going to buy one I would try remmington again.
Before I switched to DE completely, I used the Norelco 8240 XL. It is a really fast shaver if that's what he is looking for. It takes it about two weeks before you no longer feel stubbly. After the two week period it is near BBS in under 1 minute. I was impressed with it, until I switched to DE. But definitley do some research. I know the 8240 XL has high speed heads to make shaving really fast, and simple. From what you have said about your dad, that sounds like it is very important to him to have a fast clean shave. The only thing I did not like about the 8240 is the fact that it gave me a lot of irritation on my neck. I think that has more to do with me than the razor. Hope this helps. Best wishes for your dad!
I too was a long time Braun user. Worked my way through a few different models and I was always very happy. They did cause some irritation, but I was young and lazy and frequently skipped shaving for days. I also used to push for a perfectly smooth finish when I did shave, so I was aggravating my skin. From the sound of it, your dad won't have a problem with this, if he's able to do ATG shaves with Ivory Soap.

Let's trust the rest of him is as tough as his face, and that he's back in action soon. Best wishes to you and your family.
Wouldn't he feel better if he tries to shave with his right hand? Maybe without the lathering part, he could use a gel or something like that in a can. Maybe going with the grain at first.
The Braun Series 7 - 790cc Pulsonic is supposed to be the best of electrics right now according to both user reviews and Consumer Reports. Good luck to your dad!

Your dad is going through a tough time but he is fortunate to have the support of a son such as yourself.

I have an older Braun Activator 8585 which does an OK job in a pinch.

If ongoing cost is an issue I'd look at cleaning cartridge cost for the Braun models which sit in the cleaning/recharging cradle.

They run at about $9-$10 each here and the solution in them evaporates fast, especially in hot weather.

I was going through them quickly because of that I eventually began taking them out and resealing them with their plastic cap when the razor was not in use.

You can buy Braun models without the cleaning cartridge which can be rinsed under the tap.

I think something which is relatively easy to clean is worth looking at.

Good luck to yourself and your dad with your effort in regaining his independence in this area.
Thank you everyone for the great advice and encouragement. Unfortunately, I talked to my mom last night and she let me know that she got impatient and outraged at the prices she saw at BJ's and purchased a cheapo model from the Christmas Tree Shops. $5.50! Yes, that is correct, she paid five dollars and fifty cents for an electric razor! She claims he used it and is happy. I'm going to visit my dad today at the rehab facility - I'll let you know what I find. I anticipate the cheapo razor will break soon and my siblings and I will chip in to buy him a decent Braun.

Over time, he may try to shave with a blade using his right hand, but I anticipate he will have a very tough time. He has no ability to use his left hand and the left side of his face has a droop, so he has no ability to pull the skin tight while drawing a blade across his face. An electric may be his only option.

Of all the things in life, sometimes it is the little things (like shaving)... Next time you shave, take the time to appreciate what you are able to do - not everyone can.
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