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Need Blade Suggestions

Now that the blades I like most are difficult or impossible to get, I'm looking for suggestions on what else I might like. I have tough whiskers and sensitive skin. I'm looking for a sharp blade that is also smooth. Sometimes I will use a blade twice but the majority of the time I toss my blades after one use. Not interested in Feather blades.

Blades I get good shaves from:

NOS UK made Wilkinson Sword
Gillette Platinum AKA Swedes
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (yellow pack - Russia)

Blades I did not like/cannot use:

Crystal / Israeli Personna (plain white box)
7 O'Clock Stainless (green pack - uncoated Russian blades)

Blades I'd like to hear more about:

Treet Dura Sharp
Lord Platinum
Gillette Permasharp (green pack - India)
I too have a thick thick wirey beard, and have had to rely on feathers for some time, at the expense of some razor burn.

For the past week however, I have been using Iridiums, and WOW:w00t:

Smoothest shave, by a looooong shot compared to any other blade I have tried.
It has also been in close competition with the Feathers for sharpness and ability to mow down the heavy growth areas of stubble.
In my brief experience, they also appear to get me 4 good shaves in.
Prev blades I have tried (including the feathers) dull out after the second shave.

Other blades I have had moderate success include the Feathers, as mentioned, crystals and Astra's.
Iridiums are GREAT! Sharp and smooth. I am on my 5th day, same blade, different razor each day. Today was just as good as day one. Gonna keep going to see how long it lasts and how many of my 8 razors it is good in.
Feathers were too harsh for my skin and Derbys didn't seem sharp enough. Lord Platinums were perfect. PM me your address and I'll send you a couple to try.
Not interested because everything I have read about these blades indicates they are so sharp they leave no room for error in technique. Although I have been DE shaving for over a year, I would prefer a blade that leaves some room for error.

That's why I like the Swedes and UK Wilks so much. Even if I'm in a hurry and my technique isn't perfect, those blades won't tear me up most of the time.

Any particular reason for this? In my limited experience and from what I have read these will fit the bill perfectly and do not feature on your list of tried blades.
Not interested because everything I have read about these blades indicates they are so sharp they leave no room for error in technique. Although I have been DE shaving for over a year, I would prefer a blade that leaves some room for error.

That's why I like the Swedes and UK Wilks so much. Even if I'm in a hurry and my technique isn't perfect, those blades won't tear me up most of the time.

I am sort of new to de shaving. Quit about 30 or so years ago when I switched to a Sensor. Just started up again with the de about a month ago. Second shave I had was with a Feather in a Tech. Can't really say I have great technique; didn't hurt myself at all. Just went slow and with no pressure. Try them. I do like Iridiums better; just as sharp, smoother and longer lasting.
Not interested because everything I have read about these blades indicates they are so sharp they leave no room for error in technique. Although I have been DE shaving for over a year, I would prefer a blade that leaves some room for error.

If you read my first experience with Feathers, you will notice that those stories might just be a bit ott...I am a clumsy noob with bad technique but I found Feathers to be both smooth and FORGIVING.
I rate them above my beloved Gillette Bleue Extra; my top blade before I tried Feathers. I still have to find a blade that is a real match for a Feather (am doing so in another thread: Feather, measure of all blades). So try them and see for yourself.
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Iridiums may present the best combo of sharpness and smoothness.

Find the feathers sharp and smooth as well with proper beard prep and light pressure.
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