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Need advice from experienced wetshavers...

I have been wetshaving for a while now and seem to be able to repeat BBS shaves without any irritation with my Gillette Red Tip with a Gillette Black blade. I use a few different creams, but mostly one from the three T's or a D.R. H...Today I tried to shave with a recently aquired regular Gillette SS; it pulled, I had that minor burning sensation, that if I would have kept going I would have recieved razor burn. So I did one WTG pass and one XTG pass, I had no weepers, but a little irritation. So I put the same blade back into my Red Tip, it was a totally different experience. It was the same shave I am used to; nice and smooth, no pulling or jumping at all.

My question is this; I have read on some of the reviews on different forums (this one included), that people that love to shave with the Red Tip really love the British #58 and the British HD 500. I have recently purchased the later, but would like to know why (the regular SS's are supposed to be a mild razor in comparison to the Red Tip) I had more irritation with the regular SS compared to my Red Tip? And also why do some people love the red Tip but then love even more the #58 and the HD 500?
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Interesting question. I have read that the Gillette Red Tip is an aggressive razor and I'm interested in trying one. Anyone with any experience with these razors mentioned have any input?
I don't have a Red Tip, but do have a Blue. I can say that blade selection makes a huge difference in the same razor. I find that the highly regarded blades (i.e. Feathers, etc.) actually give me more burn than say Derby's or Personna Reds in my Blue Tip. This is opposed to a Feather in a Progress which is superb.

That said, I would recommend that since you know that your current blade selection irritates you in the Red, try experimenting with different blades until you find the sweet one.

(This is what the Wet Shaving experience is all about! Finding the right blade for each razor you own! :thumbup1: )
First off blades work differently in different razros and secondly different razors sometimes take a slightly different technique. My husband has run into this as well. It could also be as simple as you may be that you are using pressure and not realizing it also. I have found that sometimes when I switch razors I have to remind myself not to add pressure. These are just a few things that I have run into.
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