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Need advice for re-knoting

I have a Kent BK2 that have started to shed a lot, it looses 20-30 hair each time I use it.
The brush is only about a month old, but unfortunatly I have lost the receipt, so claiming warranty at the shop I bought it is a lost case, but I love the handle, so I have decided to re-knot it.

How should I approach this?

Originally it got a 23mm pure badger fan knot, I'm thinking of using a TGN Finest fan or a finest FS.

Should I get a 22mm or 24mm since they don't have 23mm?
What type of glue should I use?

In advance, Thanks!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would remove the current knot and measure before ordering. Marine epoxy glue is the way to go.

If you are loosing too much hair, before you take out the knot, you might want to clean the brush. How well do you clean the brush after each shave?
I rinse the brush under lunkwarm water, holding it by the knot base with the knot upwards to get all the lather out, I then shake out the excess water before I carefully squesee it in a towel, than hang it up to dry.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I rinse the brush under lunkwarm water, holding it by the knot base with the knot upwards to get all the lather out, I then shake out the excess water before I carefully squesee it in a towel, than hang it up to dry.

Sounds right.

I clean mine by rinsing and squeeze out the lather until the water is clear. I squeeze, shake the brush in the shower until I don't get water on the glass doors and hang it.

You could always try to shampoo the brush.
But if you do need to re-knot, remove the old knot, clean it all out, measure the opening. I think the knots from TGN are +/- .5mm, so a 22.5mm would fit pretty good in a 23mm hole. Maybe contact them and they can find you one that runs a bit bigger like that?

As for glue, I used marine epoxy, not because it was marine, but because it was the only epoxy they had that took longer than 5 minutes to set.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Did you buy the brush in a shop or online? If online, the shop probably still have the bill under your name. Even without a bill, I would ask before pulling the knot out.
I bought it in a shop, but I came to think of that maybe the clerk remember me buying it, after all shaving brushes is not a very big marked here, and the store is only a ten minute drive from where I live, thought of giving it a shot tomorrow.
Went to the shop today, and guess what! The woman behind the counter recognized me, and remembered me buying the brush.

I told her about the problem, and got a new brush without hesitation.

Great service :thumbup:

I got another brush on it's way that need to be re-knoted, I'll take with me the advice i got here to that project.

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