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Need a recommendation for a double edge razor , upgrading from my supe cheap de razor

Hi ,

Am a newcomer to wet shaving and am looking to upgrade a little from my none too impressive boots de razor, my main gripe with the boots de is the lack of weight in the handle it is quite head heavy and so feels a bit toy like , unfortunately money is tight so I am limited to £20 - 25.

The following de razors are fairly easily available to me and im looking for some opinions on which ones are worth checking out and which ones are worth avoiding

Edwin Jagger De89bl
Edwin Jagger De86bl
Merkur 33C
Parker 99R
Parker Model 89R
Merkur 23C Long Handle DE Safety Razor

Not sure but I would say that being a newbie average agressiveness is probably best

I have not had experience with the razors you mentioned, although I've heard some good things about several of them. But have you thought about the Chinese razors? I can honestly tell you the Weishi 9306 series are excellent razors for someone just starting out. They are not too expensive, and the 9306B through 9306E are heavy enough to give a medium aggressiveness. They weigh approximately 65 grams and are made from an old Gillette patent. I have a 9306 B in my shave den and use it occaisionally. Remember though, you will want one of the 9306 series as the other series razors are definitely too light. Good luck in your quest sir.
An Edwin Jagger DE89BA11 'Barley' was my first DE and was simply awesome. I would rate it as well within the parameters of average, if not tending towards the milder side (although now I use a 39C slantbar daily and find it pretty tame just so you know where I'm coming from on that).

I'd say that if you get a DE89 you'll a) love it and b) if not or if the time comes to move on and you don't want to keep it, you will be able to sell it on for most of what you pay for it.
EJ89 all the way. Every time it comes up in my rotation, I wonder why I use anything else. . . . and then I use something else.:lol:
Hello shoulderpet,

I began wet shaving with a Merkur 34C. I was told by the wise members of B&B that it was an excellent razor to start with and I absolutely agree. I have since moved on to the Merkur 38C (which I really like) and most recently, I've begun using a vintage Gillette Slim.

I was going to list my 34C for sale in the shaving mall. It's in excellent condition and I'm more interested in making room for new purchases than making top dollar on a DE razor. PM me if you're interested and good luck.

The Merkur 34c has my vote also. It's worlds largest selling razor and I can see why. Perfect balance and medium aggressiveness.
I've only been shaving a few months and have only used my EJ DE89. That said, it's a tough razor to beat. Reasonable price, very good quality, and not too aggressive. You can see from the comments already that some people go looking for something different or more aggressive but almost no one has a bad word to say about it. It's a great first razor that you can keep forever.

And if you don't like it, you can move it in a flash on the BST ;)

I've only been DE shaving for a month, but I started out with an EJ89 with Wilkinson, Derby and Astra SP blades. All 3 blades worked great for me. It's a great razor and you really needn't look or research further. It gets great reviews regardless of which forum you are on. Amazon.com reviews sing praises as well. You won't be disappointed.
I just bought one for my brother to get him started in DE shaving.

For me I'd go with a Merkur 34C, a great all round razor and not just for starters. However saying that, have you thought about a vintage razor?

How about a Gillette slim or super adjustable. Just had a quick look on the bay and a couple in good nick with postage came in at £24.95. Or you can ask on the BST. Also there's the Gillette Super speed and flair tip possibly one of the best middle range razors made, and they are so cheap £10 inc postage.

Here's a link to one of the B&B vendors, 16 items down a 1940's Gillette Super speed $10 dollars with free postage to your door.

Everything but the 1460 and 1305 still in stock! 830 and SOC Boar coming soon! Don't forget to check out my Ebay page:

I'd like to put in my suggestion of a late '40s Gillette Aristocrat. There's some weight and it's at a medium in the mild -> aggressive scale. If you're just starting out I'd stay away from the adjustables, get your technique down first (says the guy who started out on a Merkur Futur).
I think enough said on EJ and Merkur. You could grab one blind-folded and never be disappointed as both are fine shaving instruments. Between them, the choice comes down to aesthetics or affinity between Brit or Germanic products.

Beyond your listed options: Gillette Super Speed!
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