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natural hones used in movie Ninja Assassin

2 scenes of honing on big beautiful orange- brown swirled stones. One was honing throwing star and one climbing knuckle picks

As far as ninjas go, I assume the throwing stars would be razor sharp. Beautiful. Wish I had one for my kit.
Not on topic at all, but isnt "Ninja Assassin" redundant? If you're a Ninja I thought thats pretty much your job, assassinating people. Something like "Ninja veterinarian" or "Ninja psychiatrist" would work. And I'd definitely go to a Ninja veterinarian.

Actually, on second thought, maybe not...
Gotta love Ninja Assassin! No real plot, no real acting, and no apologies for either! Just a movie that features 100% total badassery!
Not on topic at all, but isnt "Ninja Assassin" redundant? If you're a Ninja I thought thats pretty much your job, assassinating people. Something like "Ninja veterinarian" or "Ninja psychiatrist" would work. And I'd definitely go to a Ninja veterinarian.

Actually, on second thought, maybe not...

The way this movie plays the words in the title, it's not exactly redundant. More like a double meaning.
maybe he kills other ninjas...

exactly... the first 10 minutes of the movie are ridiculous, the rest of the movie IMO doesn't live up that first 10 unfortunately in terms of graphic violence. not a bad watch, but oh those hones were pretty...
I hear this movie has the musical styling of none other than the Wu-Tang Clan, which seems pretty epic.
i took some video, but it may take some time to upload it to youtube if anyone really wants more than these pictures






looks like she is doing a rolling pass


the stars look pretty damn sharp.

sorry for the weird focusing.. my droid is running CM RC5 and the video autofocus is a pain...
I forgot to mention yesterday that it was actually my wife whose comments reminded me to post the pis/video.

She was watching the movie when I came home and after it was over, she came up and said "what do you think of those honing stones?". We both had a nice big belly laugh since i spent last 2 nights honing blades for my brother. anytime something from one of my non-mainstream hobbies is noticed on tv or in a magazine she loves to point it out..

As an example, we always see one of our le creuset kettles in movies... thankfully, it seems to reassure her that I am not alone in what I like...
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