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National Geographic Shaving Episode

Last night I saw a National Geographic episode on Shaving.

The first part was good but then they trashed straight razors and flew through safety razors.

Praised the Mach3 and the like as if they were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Interesting though. Lots of historical stuff.

Long live the safetey razor!!!
I just more guys would try the DE razor. It is so much more pleasurable, and it is an opportunity to develop a skill...vice simply dragging a cartridge over your face. :biggrin1:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Is this the one we are discussing here?

Is this the one we are discussing here?

I watched all the parts of that a while ago. Very interesting, I thought. Not really propaganda for modern cartridge or electric systems if you watch the whole thing with an open mind. Folks around here might want more of a plug for classic shaving, but this is well worth the time.
It is a shame when it is all about the money and a fast shave....at a price. It is not about a good shave any more. I love my DE and one day I want to try a straight.
I watched the whole thing and I thought it gave a pretty interesting and balanced view of the whole shaving 'thing'. Lots of cool history. He even says at the end, "Maybe newer isn't better...can we really improve on a hot towel, a badger brush, and a straight razor wielded by a master?" I didn't get the feeling that they were really obviously favoring the cartridge razor. I had no idea how much research actually goes into those things...and some of those early electrics looked bloody frightening! :001_tongu Well worth a watch I say.
Is this the one we are discussing here?

I have that one, and also another one I think is called "a day in" or something like that, they analize our routine from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep.
On the first part they talk a bit about shaving (the same british man) And he praises Disposables.
I got the feeling for a man of his age, he should know better than that.
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