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Nate's "Trust Your Edge" Straight Journal

I have been browsing TSS more and more and recently found CKTG and their selection of honing gear. The force is strong to obtain a natural or synthetic finishing stone.....
I have been browsing TSS more and more and recently found CKTG and their selection of honing gear. The force is strong to obtain a natural or synthetic finishing stone.....

I have to say that I am very much stuck on Coticules for sure, for the rest of my days there will always be coticules in my honing gear. I love my 1K/6K King but I fear the 6K side may not see very much action after finding the Coti's. Just the 1K for them nasty chips and resetting those.

Nate, great job! I was hoping that the SOTD was the Soderen. I'm dying to know how it shaves.

Thank you John, I am going back to the stones right now and really hoping to shave with the Soderen tomorrow morning. It looks like it is going to take a very nice edge, just going to take a little longer due to using almost no pressure at all on the stone to preserve metal. With this hard steel doing that makes it take a long time, which for me is a great thing because I love the process of honing, very relaxing for me:thumbup1:
Thank you John, I am going back to the stones right now and really hoping to shave with the Soderen tomorrow morning. It looks like it is going to take a very nice edge, just going to take a little longer due to using almost no pressure at all on the stone to preserve metal. With this hard steel doing that makes it take a long time, which for me is a great thing because I love the process of honing, very relaxing for me:thumbup1:

Nate....what a great read...it's a treat being on this entire Coti journey with you....one day we'll all be able to look back and say "I remember those guys were just getting started on those stones!"

That stone is a real looker and more importantly, giving you great edges...congrats dude!!

LMAO At Long last, 2 hours later :thumbup1:

Nate....what a great read...it's a treat being on this entire Coti journey with you....one day we'll all be able to look back and say "I remember those guys were just getting started on those stones!"

That stone is a real looker and more importantly, giving you great edges...congrats dude!!

Thank you so much Juan, it really is a treat to take the steps along this path. It is a fully relaxing and incredible experience vs the standard fair available at every grocery/convenience/department store out there. Cartridge Shaves are so uncomfortable and boring these days LOL:lol:
Okay, so the "Tiny Swedish Titan" AKA The 4/8 Smiling Soderen Straight Razor made by one of the Master Swedish Razor Makers is now completed and will be used tomorrow morning with great care and respect as it is incredibly thin and small in width so it will require complete focus in order not to injure me:thumbup:

The Hardware Used:

1K side of the 1K/6K King and my new Select #10 Coticule Bout

The Edge after the Slurry and Water only Progression on the Coticule:

The Edge After Stropping on Leather Only 80x Laps:

Looks to be Good To Go and is Tree Topping Arm Hair with Ease so Here's hoping for a Terrific Swedish Shave tomorrow Morning:thumbup:
Looks awesome. Be careful with that blade! (for the sake of your face not the blade).
[MENTION=85745]Polarbeard[/MENTION] will be proud!
Looks awesome. Be careful with that blade! (for the sake of your face not the blade).
@Polarbeard will be proud!

Thank you very much John, and I certainly will be VERY Careful with this Little laser cutter for sure because it just FEELS like it could do a variety of damage in very short order with the slightest slip of concentration resulting in.....:death::death::death: within a split second LMAO:lol:

And any Tribute to the Excellence that is produced by [MENTION=85745]Polarbeard[/MENTION] 's Home Country is an absolute Honor for me to be a part of. The resurrection of this tiny little Swede is one of my biggest challenges yet and I love doing it:thumbup1:
I shaved with a Söderen this morning not knowing about Nate's adventure. Söderen was one of the minor manufacturers. Their specialty was beautifully designed ultra hollow razors often 4/8. They are rather rare and I always take a look when I see one. This one though made my palms sweat when I first saw it. It was the only NOS one I'd ever seen. It has a special place in my modest collection.
I shaved with a Söderen this morning not knowing about Nate's adventure. Söderen was one of the minor manufacturers. Their specialty was beautifully designed ultra hollow razors often 4/8. They are rather rare and I always take a look when I see one. This one though made my palms sweat when I first saw it. It was the only NOS one I'd ever seen. It has a special place in my modest collection.
View attachment 636263

WOW!!! That is a beautiful little beasty Arne! I love it!

Very nice Nate

Thank you very much Dave and really wish I had good news to report on the honing of it, but alas below tells the tale:blushing:
Straight Shave # 118: "YIKES!"

The Weapons Of Choice:

The Strop(S): 2 1/2" Tony Miller Heirloom Old No. 2. 00/80 Cotton/Leather after the Coticule Honing.
The Prep: 10 Minute Shower with some nice hot water running over the mug accompanied by massaging the whiskers.
The Pre: Pantine Pro-V Conditioner rubbed in to set while showering.
The Brush: TAOS Fine Badger
The Soap: TAOS Lavender Cream.
The Razor: 4/8 F.W. Soderen (1st Shave off the New Select 10 Coticule Round 1)
The Post: TAOS Lavender ASB with a good wipe clean and drying of the blade and 40/80 Cotton/Leather on the strop.

This Afternoon's Thought's:

Okay, so this is officially the smallest Straight razor I have ever attempted to hone OR shave with. Results...... FAILED Miserably!

Todays shave was nothing short of an absolute failure as I did the first pass WTG down the right cheek as always I detected much pulling and tugging and immediately used common sense and reached for the Shavecraft Tech to finish the shave so I could get to work. First time in a good long while that I had to use a DE, I should have brought up a second straight well honed to carry the load should I run into what I did. However I did not have that level of brain capacity at 512 this morning when I went up to shower and shave before work. LMAO.

I shall take this razor back to the coticule to rehone and see if I can get a nice shaving edge on it and I will also be looking up some advice on using a blade this tiny as I am sure that my technique is more than likely a minimum of 50% at fault here as I have never used anything this dainty before.

Ya live and Ya Learn Right?:lol:

Wishing everyone a Terrific Night and a Great Week Ahead :thumbup:

This Morning's Hardware/Software Selection:

sorry to hear Nate.....my grandfathers Henckels was one of my smallest razor and it was always difficult to shave with...I finally was able to get an acceptable shave with it, but it took a lot of focus and attention to detail.
Great pic of the setup this morning. Sorry that the results were not what you were hoping for. You will get it straightened out and that little beauty will be removing whiskers by just threatening to hold it up to your face.
Great pic of the setup this morning. Sorry that the results were not what you were hoping for. You will get it straightened out and that little beauty will be removing whiskers by just threatening to hold it up to your face.

You'll figure that razor out - I am confident in that. :001_cool:

Thank you very much my Friends, I will indeed figure this blade out as I always do, the most challenging part is going to be doing so with minimal wear to the already thin blade. I am turning the wheels right now as a matter of fact attempting to figure out the apprach I wish to take with it to get is fully ready to shave with:thumbup:
On another Note I can now check the W&B FBU OFF of my Bucket List as I just won one on that Huge Auction Site:a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50::a50:

And this is the Photo Form the Auction and I am VERY Much Ready to Hone it Up and Shave with this Magnificent Wonder:thumbup:

$W&B FBU01.jpg
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