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Nate's "Trust Your Edge" Straight Journal


"We have footage from the outside of C.E.C operative building..."


Now We are eagerly standing by for Nate's goatee to come out of hiding....Will it see it's Shadow.


Excellent Nate!! Welcome Back!!

Thank you my Brother! Feeling a lot better today for sure. :thumbup1:


"We have footage from the outside of C.E.C operative building..."


Now We are eagerly standing by for Nate's goatee to come out of hiding....Will it see it's Shadow.


LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! The Outhouse Explosion Pretty much Sums it up LMAO:lol:

I don't think Holland will be any easier on you.

Not likely, but how about their water?? Is it anything like Mexico water?? LMAO:lol:

Glad you are feeling a bit better Bro! A little castor oil each day? :lol:

LOL Nah, just fish oil LMAO:lol:
Straight Shave # 236 : "TGIF!!!"

The Weapons Of Choice:

The Strop: T.M. Old No.2 2 3/8" Bridal: 00/00 Cotton/Leather.
The Prep: Normal Shower and Conditioner Prep.
The Brush: "Davy" Handmade Handle W/24.5mm TGN Finest Bulb
The Soap: Fine Green Vetiver.
The Razor: Feather AC DX W/Proguard Blade (9th Shave on this blade I think??).
The Post: Fine Green Vetiver/C.Y.H.B. Devotion Hard Oil & Beard Balm.
The Maintenance: A good wipe clean and drying inside and out and a pat dry of the blade.

This Evening's Thought's:

Tonight's thoughts really revolve around all of you and your concerns and thoughts while I have been down hard the past couple weeks. It has definitely been very much appreciated my Friends.

Naturally I tempted fate using this scalpel while not being at 100% LMAO Fortunately it did it's job well and had mercy on me with no visits from "He Who Shall Not Be Named" :thumbup:

Shave/Results :

Standard 2 Passer with a little detailing around the stache and goatee and all was right with the world once more with not even a hint of tingle from the Vetiver A/S Splash:thumbup:

Wishing You ALL A Great Night and a Fantastic Weekend ahead my Friends:thumbup:

This Evening's Hardware/Software Selection:

Goatee Watch 2016: Week Number 3:


Hmmm.... Sounds like a new CT to me! :lol:
Nice shave Nate!! Good to see you bouncing back!!

Thank you Brother and hoping it stays this way for a while now:thumbup:
Hmmmm, you may be right, I better be careful or the Megalithic Sig may be gone in a flash to be replaced by the Goats new nickname LMAO
Nice to see you back on the shave train Nate! Great set up, and it looks like people were on a Fine Green Vetiver kick today...
I don't know Nate, if Stan can raise egg laying milk pigs in his signature, I am sure your Megalithic stone man can have a crew cut lip rat.

I finally started reading your journal, thinking I would find words of wisdom to take with me through the rest of my life. What I found instead has caused the hamster in my head to go into a permanent series of epileptic fits.

Glad you are feeling better, and the SNAG is looking... snaggly, lol.

Also, a belated congratulations on the retirement. Have a good weekend!
Are you quite certain you aren't actually Asian? :lol: like an Asian man trapped in a Gai-Jin body?

LMAO Truth be told I believe I do have some Asian background in me somewhere back in the line, but the majority of my Folliclular Challenges I believe come from the Native American Blood in me LMAO Cherokee and Blackfoot LOL:thumbup:

Nice to see you back on the shave train Nate! Great set up, and it looks like people were on a Fine Green Vetiver kick today...

Thanks Josh, it is definitely good to be back, I had a 1/4 inch of growth all over my face this morning when I woke up LOL:thumbup:

I don't know Nate, if Stan can raise egg laying milk pigs in his signature, I am sure your Megalithic stone man can have a crew cut lip rat.

This is very true, them Egg Laying Milk Pigs are definitely a different breed all together LOL:lol:


I finally started reading your journal, thinking I would find words of wisdom to take with me through the rest of my life. What I found instead has caused the hamster in my head to go into a permanent series of epileptic fits.

Glad you are feeling better, and the SNAG is looking... snaggly, lol.

Also, a belated congratulations on the retirement. Have a good weekend!

Thank you very much George and It has definitely been an interesting journey up to this point LOL My Great and Wonderful Friends here ALWAYS keep it humorous and interesting for sure:thumbup: Thank you very much for the congrats, that was a 20 year stent that was very well spent. I can always look back with pride at what I have accomplished in the past 20 years and know for certain that I made a difference which is all I ever wanted to do:001_smile

LMAO Great GIF John and definitely RIP to Mr. Gene Wilder The World has lost a phenomenal Person this week for sure and a superbly talented actor as well. I very much look forward to the Gene Wilder Marathons this weekend as I continue to nurse this back back into shape:thumbup: Especially Blazing Saddles, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Young Frankenstein!:thumbup:
Great to have you, er, back, Nate. Your avatar is awesome!!!!! I remember seeing the movie at the theater with my grandfather!
Welcome back to the land of edged wonder Nate! Great shave to kick your return off with, and it's good to see you back here. :thumbup:
Love him in this movie

But in your present condition it may be unwise to discuse it...


But at least your goatee was well fertilized:thumbup:.
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