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Nate's "Trust Your Edge" Straight Journal

"Lower abdominal obstruction resulting in increased pressure on the lumbar area causing inflammation of the lumbar area and surrounding tissues"

LMAO In Short, I ate too much White Bread products and have a brick in my gut fouling things up LMAO So I just have to ride it out and hope for the best:thumbup:

EEEEEE! I can't think that's going to be much fun... =/
Good to hear you're going to be fine..

A drink to your health!

I knew Oud was good, but Nate... I don't think you are supposed to drink it.... You do know it is not real juice right???:tongue_sm:lol:

Sorry about the Health issues Nate, but glad it is not structural after a broken back and multiple herniations I would not wish that on anyone. and to assist you in a expedient way try this for relief according to these folks it works, and we all know the Amazon reviews are always true


Don't be near the computer with any liquid in your mouth Just a WARNING:lol:... and have tissues as you will be crying in laughter
Sorry about the Health issues Nate, but glad it is not structural after a broken back and multiple herniations I would not wish that on anyone. and to assist you in a expedient way try this for relief according to these folks it works, and we all know the Amazon reviews are always true


Don't be near the computer with any liquid in your mouth Just a WARNING:lol:... and have tissues as you will be crying in laughter

The 'effect' is from the alcohol sugars. You can get the same thing from sugar free chocolate chips... Ask me how I know!
Good to hear you're going to be fine..

A drink to your health!


LMAO You been in my Fridge Haven't You?? LOL:lol:

If anything SWMBO won't be putting you on bread and water any time soon...

Nope, no chance of that, she is geting tired of waiting on me hand and foot LOL:lol:


Any flour, wheat, or other gluten contents in that? If so, you might want to limit yourself to just one quick swig :whistling:


I knew Oud was good, but Nate... I don't think you are supposed to drink it.... You do know it is not real juice right???:tongue_sm:lol:

Sorry about the Health issues Nate, but glad it is not structural after a broken back and multiple herniations I would not wish that on anyone. and to assist you in a expedient way try this for relief according to these folks it works, and we all know the Amazon reviews are always true


Don't be near the computer with any liquid in your mouth Just a WARNING:lol:... and have tissues as you will be crying in laughter

Hopefully you get some much needed relief soon.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Glad I have a box of tissues handy at my side for that one Brother. Sounds like EVERYTHING Broke loose, not just H E Double Hockey Sticks LMAO

Cvs has these ears in handy one person packages! But ya gotta get sugar free haribos!

Hmmm Starting to wonder here LOL

The 'effect' is from the alcohol sugars. You can get the same thing from sugar free chocolate chips... Ask me how I know!

Food for thought.

LOL Might have to give this a try LOL

indeed, I have had those cookies in a batch of Magic Bars my wife made. still unsure if it was a health attempt or Murder plot :lol:


Blame it on Ruger! :lol:

YUP! Ruger must have whispered it in her ear while she slept, late night subliminal suggestion LOL

Apparently a few drops f Visene will accomplish the same thing LOL:lol:
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So ...um, you're just FOS?
Dude, it's just CALLED a goatee. It doesn't mean you gotta eat like a goat to grow one. I TOLD you that lamb lasagna was a bad idea.

BTW I tested that Oud when I went to Nordstroms, I think I was just too hot that day because I didn't like it much until much later when it had cooked off a while...then it was pretty good stuff. SWMBO liked it.
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