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Narutaki # 127 Tomae Awasado

With retirement comes the time for me to indulge our mutual passion for all things straight razors. In that light I have made the commitment to undertake the learning process that may or may not reveal the mysteries of Japanese natural stone hones to me. Today brought a piece of art that I will treasure and no doubt will serve many years beyond my using it. I’m sorry my iPhone pictures do not do it real justice but it is the only camera I have.

For your enjoyment I would like to introduce my Narutaki Tomae Awasado Number 127. It
is sized at 205mm x 75mm x 40mm. The colors are warm with dull brick, faint purple, a tinge of rose and a faint yellow.
Wow! What a rock. What can you tell us about it?

From the source: "From the photo tests and sampling the stone that the grit base of this stone to be in the 30,000 range if not higher and with compression will crush finer"

Hardness: 8+/10
Grit: 9/10
Speed &
Strength: 9+/10

It will probably rest on the nightstand next to my bed! As you can see I have already offered one of my balsa hones as a bed for her.

I am trying to learn all that I can before I even touch this stone with a blade.
Any suggestions for education would be greatly appreciated. I've read as much as I can find through the forums but I know there is more out there.
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If you haven't read JimR's writings on how to use a Japanese natural, it behooves you to do so. While the end result is the same as with western hone s, getting there with Japanese naturals is rather different.
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