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I've been DE shaving for a bit less of a couple of months. In the beginning I wasn't able to qualify its performances. Now that I get decent shaves daily, I can opine more accurately about shaving stuff. It doesn't mean that my words are not the Bible.
1.- As far as I can see, I find that blades like Treet, Gillette 7 o'clock Permasharp don't shave me properly. They shave me not close enough and I obtain the worst results. It cannot be blamed on the blades, but a mix of its specs, my skills and my beard and skin combo. I feel that my whiskers are not cut close to the skin level and I can feel them when I pass my fingers on my face. The 5'oclock effect appears within the day. Moreover, they merely resist two shaves.
2.- The next level is conformed by Personna and Bluebirds. Great result regarding sharpness, aggressiveness and accuracy. They last three shaves easily.
3.- Finally, I must wait for my skills reach the next stage to give a second chance to Bolzano and Feathers. In this order I must fight against them to merge astonishing closeness and absence of nicks and spots.
I am a perfectionist in the pursuit of a better shave and, if not BBS, at least a softness that makes me smile when I rubber my face and shin every now an then. Second level blades almost do it but with a noticeable gap with top notch ones in performances and price. At Casa Rodríguez, an Spanish shaving stuff web, you can buy Personnas for 0,75€ per a 10 blades pack. Furthermore, if you increase the packs numbers, you can reduce the price even more.
Regards and concerns.
Sounds like you are well on your way to decided what works best for you. I've been at it for a shorter time and am still working through all the blades I want to try.

Good luck to you!
In my opinion, different blades work best in different razors. I get good results with Feathers in a Mergress which is a Merkur Progress with a metal knob instead of plastic.
Buena Suerte,


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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+1 on Paco

Different razor work different with the same blade.

The Feather should give you a close shave. You can always try Astra Superior Platinum, Supermax, Kai or Shark!
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