I've been DE shaving for a bit less of a couple of months. In the beginning I wasn't able to qualify its performances. Now that I get decent shaves daily, I can opine more accurately about shaving stuff. It doesn't mean that my words are not the Bible.
1.- As far as I can see, I find that blades like Treet, Gillette 7 o'clock Permasharp don't shave me properly. They shave me not close enough and I obtain the worst results. It cannot be blamed on the blades, but a mix of its specs, my skills and my beard and skin combo. I feel that my whiskers are not cut close to the skin level and I can feel them when I pass my fingers on my face. The 5'oclock effect appears within the day. Moreover, they merely resist two shaves.
2.- The next level is conformed by Personna and Bluebirds. Great result regarding sharpness, aggressiveness and accuracy. They last three shaves easily.
3.- Finally, I must wait for my skills reach the next stage to give a second chance to Bolzano and Feathers. In this order I must fight against them to merge astonishing closeness and absence of nicks and spots.
I am a perfectionist in the pursuit of a better shave and, if not BBS, at least a softness that makes me smile when I rubber my face and shin every now an then. Second level blades almost do it but with a noticeable gap with top notch ones in performances and price. At Casa Rodríguez, an Spanish shaving stuff web, you can buy Personnas for 0,75 per a 10 blades pack. Furthermore, if you increase the packs numbers, you can reduce the price even more.
Regards and concerns.
I've been DE shaving for a bit less of a couple of months. In the beginning I wasn't able to qualify its performances. Now that I get decent shaves daily, I can opine more accurately about shaving stuff. It doesn't mean that my words are not the Bible.
1.- As far as I can see, I find that blades like Treet, Gillette 7 o'clock Permasharp don't shave me properly. They shave me not close enough and I obtain the worst results. It cannot be blamed on the blades, but a mix of its specs, my skills and my beard and skin combo. I feel that my whiskers are not cut close to the skin level and I can feel them when I pass my fingers on my face. The 5'oclock effect appears within the day. Moreover, they merely resist two shaves.
2.- The next level is conformed by Personna and Bluebirds. Great result regarding sharpness, aggressiveness and accuracy. They last three shaves easily.
3.- Finally, I must wait for my skills reach the next stage to give a second chance to Bolzano and Feathers. In this order I must fight against them to merge astonishing closeness and absence of nicks and spots.
I am a perfectionist in the pursuit of a better shave and, if not BBS, at least a softness that makes me smile when I rubber my face and shin every now an then. Second level blades almost do it but with a noticeable gap with top notch ones in performances and price. At Casa Rodríguez, an Spanish shaving stuff web, you can buy Personnas for 0,75 per a 10 blades pack. Furthermore, if you increase the packs numbers, you can reduce the price even more.
Regards and concerns.