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Nanny's Silly Soaps - Lime, my initial impressions.

I read about Nanny's Silly Soaps on another forum and thought I'd give them a try. I did do a good search here and couldn't find out much about them.

I ordered two, Lime and Scotch Pine and today I used Lime. I first moved the soap, which is very soft from the supplied tub into an Ikea tub to allow much more room for the brush to load.

Using Marco's method I did around 150 swirls to load the brush before moving to my face.


It took a bit of building and if I'm honest afterwards, I could have used a little more loading. Here's the brush after I'd completed my lathering for my first pass.


And here's the lather on my face, a little thin in patches, I did go over it again after taking the picture.


The lather both felt and smelt good, I'd liken the scent to CF Lime which isn't too surprising as they both use Lime essential oil and the scent has certainly lingered in my bathroom.

I had two days growth and was using a 39C with a Med Prep blade.

The shave felt good although I was conscious that I'd nicked myself twice during the XTG pass, something which doesn't usually happen. An inspection of my face afterwards shows quite a lot of tiny red blood spots so it's clear that I nicked myself more than I'd realised.

Normally I remove quite a lot of lather from the brush when I'm finished but this was all that was left.


I'm a little disappointed by the overall performance of this soap although I love the scent. I hope that loading more will make it somewhat better.
I've got 3 of Nanny's little soaps.

2 of the softer ones, the Lemony Lime with Goat's milk and the forest fresh type one.

these are slightly disappointing in the fact I do seem to always nick myself regardless of how good I get my lather and I'm in essex which ain't the best place for lather. however, the scents are superb and stay longer than most after the shave.

I laso have one of the hard soaps, which has a lovely warm winter nutmeg and spices scent. this is far better, imo, and I'm using this on a much more regular basis. It reminds me of MWF in my attempts to get it to lather but once on it's lovely and I've had some great shaves from it.

The scents are wonderful, the softer soaps do need to be put in bigger tubs but I'm quite happy with them. I've found the smaller tougher little Omega 80080 is far better at getting a better lather with these ones.

I'd quite happily purchase them again, especially the harder soaps. I'm not sure why I get nicks with the softer ones but I always get a good shave and the nicks are never serious and usually clear with a cold water rinse and AS splash. but I love the scents of them. the service is excellent as well. I think they are good value considering it's a tiny operation and the presentation of them is excellent.

I love the lemony lime with goats milk. It holds that scent long after the shave and puts a smile on my face.
I read about Nanny's Silly Soaps on another forum and thought I'd give them a try. I did do a good search here and couldn't find out much about them.

I ordered two, Lime and Scotch Pine and today I used Lime. I first moved the soap, which is very soft from the supplied tub into an Ikea tub to allow much more room for the brush to load.

Using Marco's method I did around 150 swirls to load the brush before moving to my face.

Good lord thats a lot of swirls!
I've tried the Nanny's soaps a few times now and I'm still not that impressed by them. I've always failed to get a good lather from them and always end up with some nicks. Today was the worst it's been and my shave was poor.

I won't be using the Nanny's soaps again, I'll probably PIF them and hope someone else has better luck.
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