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naniwa superstones

Dumb newbie question- would one use either a nagura or slurry stone when honing on naniwa superstones?
I've never honed but want to learn.
You don't have to, you can create a slurry and speed things up a bit.

The SS are very nice, good feel, no soaking required. They do gum up fast and I would recommend lapping often as they are softer and can get high and low spots.
Thanks for the info. I have a set of superstones 1/3/5/8k each, but haven't used them yet for lack of know how. I plan on trying when I can get my hands on a decent but cheap razor to practice on. I need to hurry as I have several blades in real need but I don't want to mess them up practicing.


B&B's Man in Italy
For me the best way of using the Super Stones was "spalsh and go", no soaking and no slurry. I suggest adding the 12K as a finisher.
Actually I think I mistyped. I'll have to look when I get home but I think my set is actually 3/5/8/12k. I have a DMT for lapping also and I just bought an inexpensive nagura off bst in case I decide to use it.
Something called an "ice bear nagura." I bought it without knowing if it was right for my current setup, but figuring i'd ask around and find out. if not with my naniwas, maybe something else in the future, or to pass to somone else at worst. For $12 I indulged curiosity.
I never used slurry stone for my naniwas. Straight water and they cut fast so you might not need it and maybe it will scratch your hone. I don't know. I have raised slurry from a dmt but that's not even necessary IMO.
I definitely don't want to scratch my hones and so I won't try anything that's not recommended by one iof you folks "in the know."
SS are resin binder stone and are particular soft.
I have found in the past that using nagura makes the surface uneven.
I've owned that Nagura and used it with Super Stones.

First - raising slurry on a syth isn't really all that necessary unless you need/want to speed up the stone.
I do this with a 1k sometimes but I use a piece of the stone to do so. Once I get going I wash the stone off and go to plain water.
I clear stones often actually - but that's another story.
That nagura, I found to be best for clearing swarf when the stone loads a bit.
Using a DMT might be a better option for this - but the little stone is fast and effective and easy to deal with.
I never raise a slurry on synths over 3k - I find it to be counter productive. They slurry on their own and like I mentioned, I clear the stone often.
Also - if you do use that to raise slurry - you 'may' find a few rogue scratches in your bevel.
If you lap it - that will probably stop happening but no guarantees.
They may be better suited for use when sharpening knives.
Well sounds like I pretty much shouldn't use the slurry stone on my hones. Good to know, I definitely don't want to mess them up! In the near future I hope to not only learn to hone razors, but also to maintain my kitchen knives. Perhaps I'll find use for it then. If not maybe back to bst.
Thanks for everyone's input.
Slurries are intended to get the effect of multiple grits out of a single natural stone. There is no point if you have a complete set of artificial stones. You've already got multiple grits.
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