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Nancy Boy Body Oil

I got a couple bottles of this (signature and sweetgrass) and have been impressed. Normally, I shy away from oils, but this stuff doesn't remain greasy, smells great, and seems really nice in the heated environment of winter.

Ingredients: sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil, kukui nut oil, evening primrose oil, natural essential oils, vitamin E
Never tried the oils but I use their soaps and have their shaving cream too. All quality products at a reasonable price. Plus, a little of their stuff goes a long long way. Thanks for the recommendation. If I ever get the motivation to use a body oil I know where to get a good one.
I kind of wondered about "Nancy Boy" myself, especially given their location. But everything I've tried has been great. When I think of "body oil" I envisioned an oily, greasy product that I'd never want to try. I got my two bottles on a fluke...and found they were nothing like I'd expected. The work well and smell great!
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