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Name that Razor

Hi, thanks to all those involved in making this a very informative sight. I hope not all of you are bored with trying to identify old Gillette razors, because I just bought this beauty today but have no idea which it is. I think it is a Superspeed as the head is virtually identical to an American one I bought from Ebay, it has no patent numbers or anything on the underside. All it says is (Made in England) and Gillette in a kite shaped emblem. I'd love to know how old it is, so thanks in advance if anyone can help out.
It's hard to see the knurling on the handle, but that looks like a Gillette #58 to me, but I'll leave it to the experts.

Whatever it is, it's beautiful, and you're very lucky!!!
Can someone post a link to the page that shows the photo differences between various Superspeeds and Rockets? I can't seem to find it...
There are many here that know much more than I do about razors, but if pressed I'd call that one a beautiful #58

Can someone post a link to the page that shows the photo differences between various Superspeeds and Rockets? I can't seem to find it...

I know of two, one Guido wrote for super speeds which is in his signature. The other is a Rocket comparison thread in a similar light, which is on The Shave Den. I don't have a quick link to either, unfortunately.
Can someone post a link to the page that shows the photo differences between various Superspeeds and Rockets? I can't seem to find it...

Here's a really basic/quick one

Rocket - Made in England . Gap between solid TTO knob and handle when razor is closed ( as compared with US counterparts )

Rocket - Note: single ring

Rocket HD ( 500 ) - Note: Double Ring

#58 -Note: Double Ring and fancier knurling.

Aristocrat #16 - Note: Double Ring and even fancier knurling ( and shiny rhodium ) Most ( all ?) of the "commonly" found Brit Aristocrats ( #21, #15, #16, #22( #66 is same razor in different box) ) have the same fancier knurling.

( Sorry for crappy photo's but I haven't done a "professional" model shoot yet :tongue_sm )
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Here's a really basic/quick one

Rocket - Made in England ( or some made in Germany have NO Made in ). Gap between solid TTO knob and handle when razor is closed ( as compared with US counterparts )

Correct me if I'm wrong... a Rocket with a TTO knob wider than the handle (open the doors... is it wider?) are Rockets, those with a TTO knob that is the same diameter as the handle (open the doors... same size?) are Parats. Right?
Correct me if I'm wrong... a Rocket with a TTO knob wider than the handle (open the doors... is it wider?) are Rockets, those with a TTO knob that is the same diameter as the handle (open the doors... same size?) are Parats. Right?

Correct. You need to open the razor so that the knob is next to the handle. It is a pretty subtle difference too.

Dunno if you can see it here:
Parat - Rocket

Parats made in England or if there's no Made in at all then made in Germany.

The Parat's came in a case similar to the US TV Superspeed ( clear top in a V shape with a little G in a circle ) and the Rockets came in that Rectangular "hanging" type case ( razor is horizontal and hangs over the blade case )

Said it was only a quick and basic guide :tongue_sm

MTGraylings Rocket post on TSD is the "ultimate" Rocket reference ( though it doesn't cover the cases ) :001_smile
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It's a British #58. Roughly 57 years old. Nice catch!

Great thnx for the superspeed response..............:mellow:

By the way, this one has a closed handle whereas the American one has an open ended handle and three rings below the join, if you know what I mean. Was this open ended design feature, introduced to allow water to drain away more easily?
Great thnx for the superspeed response..............:mellow:

By the way, this one has a closed handle whereas the American one has an open ended handle and three rings below the join, if you know what I mean. Was this open ended design feature, introduced to allow water to drain away more easily?

Assuming you're referring to the TTO knob being "solid" vs "hollow," I would say no based solely on the dates. The Superspeed predates the #58, and the Superspeed has a hollow knob while the #58 has a solid knob. Maybe the purpose was to keep the razor light? Keep materials (and thereby production cost) to a minimum? But water drainage I doubt.
By the way, this one has a closed handle whereas the American one has an open ended handle and three rings below the join, if you know what I mean. Was this open ended design feature, introduced to allow water to drain away more easily?

Assuming you're referring to the TTO knob being "solid" vs "hollow," I would say no based solely on the dates. The Superspeed predates the #58, and the Superspeed has a hollow knob while the #58 has a solid knob. Maybe the purpose was to keep the razor light? Keep materials (and thereby production cost) to a minimum? But water drainage I doubt.

I would tend to think that the differences in construction would have more to do with production capabilities in England vs. America at the time, because it seems to me that both types were in production more or less concurrently. But this is just a guess...I'm not really sure.

I do agree that the American-made versions do seem to shed water a little better, but I enjoy the heft of the English models.

I've been lusting after a nice #58 set for a while.
I don't know where you found this, but congrats again! It's beautiful!
(if you ever decide that it just isn't working out between you two, feel free to drop me a line :ihih:)
It's a British #58. Roughly 57 years old. Nice catch!

Hi and thanks again for the feedback. I've cleaned it up and can now just about make out the serial number. Which I believe says 594093 or 694093. Does this confirm that it's about 57 years old?
Hi and thanks again for the feedback. I've cleaned it up and can now just about make out the serial number. Which I believe says 594093 or 694093. Does this confirm that it's about 57 years old?

694093 is right. Not a serial number, but a patent number. According to cutting_edge's Numbered British Gillette Chart, that is the patent number for a #58. I'm not sure if the #58 was only made in one year, but I believe the 1953 date was determined based on the earliest advertisements the gurus among us have found.
Thanks everyone for explaining the differences between the #58, Rocket, Parat, Aristocrat, etc.

I have a pretty good grasp of the difference between the techs, old types, new type's and adjustables but the more rare and fancy super speed types were a bit of a mystery to me.
I bought the American one a couple of weeks back off Ebay for about £27.00, then found this British one in a local charity shop, for £4.75 with the case!! Of course I'm only telling you that because it's highly unlikely I would ever sell it. :)
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