These hones are pretty common on Amazon. Anyone know if they're a legit product or bogus chunk of kryptonite? For $20 I'd be inclined to try one but not if it's gonna be useless right from the get-go....
They are a sintered stone like countertop material. I have some from somewhere but never found to be very useful. Certainly not a razor stone if that is more what you were asking. They are cheap so maybe try one and see if you can find a good use? I think the old brazil hone was also a sintered material if I recall.
We would all be happy if good razor finishing stones were under $20 You would hear more about these sintered stones if it were true.
It is easier to be a “knife/tool” stone than a razor stone because we can use pressure. Razor finisher must be abrasive yet extremely fine since we use no pressure. I think that is why sintered stones fail for razors.
There is the Brazil hone - are you familiar with it? Maybe I have the name slightly off. I’m pretty sure it was sintered, but even it is kinda weird with razors and came with a chunk of coticule