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Mystery Razor?

Ok so it's not a total mystery. I'm assuming it's called a FIRM Blade since that's what's stamped into it (yeah I'm a smart guy, I know) And I've managed to track down the following patents that are supposedly linked to it.


But other than that I haven't been able to find anywhere on the net that has info on them. Is FIRM Blade the model or company? Are blades still available for this? I have one that came with it but something about the rust and serious question of sanitation puts me off using it ;) How long were they produced? Any idea the age? Is there any value to it? I would appreciate any info you guys might have as always.


It never amazes me the odd razors I see on here. I've no idea what it is but I'm sure someone does :smile:
It's about the same size of an injector blade. Maybe 1.5mm longer front to back. But as you can see it has those notches on the sides so a typical injector blade wouldn't work.

Yeah it's pretty interesting. Not sure the line of thought that ended up with someone wanting to shave their face with a sickle.
The Razor Compendium states that the razor was made circa 1945 in SE Portland OR. It also states that it uses one half of a split Gillette type double edge blade. And it shows two handles, yours and a bulb shaped wood handle. "Handle has a magnet in the end for picking up blades". Maybe the wood one?

It does look like a curvfit for shaving underarms.

I appreciate all the help gentlemen. It does resemble the curvfit razor, maybe it is something along those lines. I can tell you that it does not take a gillette type blade cut in half. Even if you try to trim it down there's really no way to get it to fit. I don't think single edge blades will work but an injector might. I'll have to try one when I get a chance.
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