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MYATT Daymark

What happened to Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday I wonder? And that head......its interesting to say the least!
Argh! I've been foiled by the Blade! (get it? foiled by the blade. A foil is a ... anyways)

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View attachment 118949

The alignment pins are just off. It looked like it would work. I tried to mash the blade on but that was desperation, I'm lucky, I keep checking my fingers. I'll have to clip small pieces off of the blade around the pin holes.

Argh I say again!

Very nice! The Myatt company may have been best known for their tiny ladies razor ...


... they had several others around 1930.





Kind of curious about this one though. It appears to be a Gillette Old Type head design with a New/New Improved type barrel design ... almost.



Those are incredible! I'm especially drawn to the Minor. Going to keep my eye out for one of those.

I've got 2 of the tiny Myatt Ladies Razors, one in its tiny plated box which then goes in a tiny leather snap shut pouch and the other in its tiny plated box, both with original wrapped blades. I'm hoping one day to have one of them replated, a small hole drilled through the handle so I can put a ring through it and wear it as a necklace pendant. Yes, it's that small. Can't find any replaters around here though.
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