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My used blade disposal unit

I've seen a few threads recently regarding used blade disposal options.

As I have been working in hospitals and health centres quite a lot over the past few years I am acutely aware of the hazards that can be posed by used blades and needles etc,.

With that in mind I acquired this for my used blades. A 0.6ltr sharps box. It's small enough to sit on the shelf in my bathroom but not be too much of hinderance with getting to my stuff. I would imagine that this will do the job for quite a few years before needing to be changed.

For me....storing and disposing of used blades is an easy task. I just take an empty "Prescription" medicine container, with a child proof top, and place the used blade inside the bottle and snap it shut. It fits right on the shelf of the Medicine Cabinet and is clearly marked "Used Blades". When I have a Dr's appointment or a visit to the hospital I just take the container with me for disposal. The Medical Offices and Hospitals have sharps containers for disposal. Quick, Easy and effective. I really don't want a collection of used blades hanging around till a large container is filled, so this disposal method has worked out fine for me.

Tutti Frutti, Cheers:wink2::wink2::thumbup1:
I like the purpose-designed blade vaults that currently sell for 0.99 USD. Available at westcoastshaving, classicshaving, and others. Small and unobtrusive.
Currently I am using a 8oz canning jar. Used a dremal tool to cut a slit in the lid and epoxied the lid and ring on for safety reasons. Do not need children getting in to the used blades also do not want the lid coming off in the trash once full.

I have a Japanese made cat-bank for my blades and when that is full I empty that into a larger sharps container.
Mick: when it comes to changing the box, what service is there to have the blades taken away? i've not managed to find any domestic sharps disposal service.

I'm guessing perhaps you work in healthcare and will just dispose of the box through work?

Yes, I work in healthcare so I usually just take my sharps boxes to work for disposal.

I am a Diabetic also and have a large amount of needles to dispose of. Before working at the hospital I just put my sharps in a used bleach bottle and marked it as 'sharps' and put it in the dustbin as normal.

My local council are supposed to offer a spe......t service in the pickup and disposal of sharps boxes but despite calling them repeatedly they have never once turned up when I have arranged a collection. So much for their 70% recycling targets!
I don't know about other countries, but in the US, hospitals are required to take sharps and dispose of them. I also find that veterinary clinics will dispose of them too if you ask. A small container should not be a problem.
Currently I am using a 8oz canning jar. Used a dremal tool to cut a slit in the lid and epoxied the lid and ring on for safety reasons. Do not need children getting in to the used blades also do not want the lid coming off in the trash once full.


Canning jars are for preserves and hooch. My Southern heart weeps... :crying::sad:
I don't know about other countries, but in the US, hospitals are required to take sharps and dispose of them. I also find that veterinary clinics will dispose of them too if you ask. A small container should not be a problem.

I never had the small, amber colored, medicine container filled with used blades ever refused by a Hospital or a Doctors Office.:ohmy: They just take it and drop it right into the "Sharps" container for incineration that day. I did the same thing when I used the ATRA cartridges before coming back to DE razor shaving.

Tutti Frutti, Cheers:thumbup1:
+1 on the blade banks from WCS. they're cheap, and you can just throw them in the garbage can when they're full, no worries about disposal. :wink2:
Anyone know the dimensions on the blade bank from WCS? The price is very nice and i know its small but really wanted to know its exact size. I didn't see the measurements anywhere on their site.
I use a dental floss container. My floss comes in a rectangular box. When all the floss is gone I pull out the dispenser and drop my blades inside. I suppose I'll wrap some tape around it before dropping the whole thing in the trash when full.
I use a dental floss container. My floss comes in a rectangular box. When all the floss is gone I pull out the dispenser and drop my blades inside. I suppose I'll wrap some tape around it before dropping the whole thing in the trash when full.

Great idea. :thumbup1:
I decided that, every time I order something online from Vintage Blades or West Coast Shaving or the like, I'd tack on the simple $1 disposal bin pictured above. I've got a few of them around now, so I'd say I'm covered by that for a while. My plan is to recycle it when it's all said and done, just like my used cans for food and drinks.
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