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My top 3 Blades

Well, after working my way through a Bullgoose Sampler (10 brands) I have settled on the three blades that work best for me.

1. Feather, good for 3-4 shaves on my super hard facial hair. Sharp, but a little harsh after the first shave.

2. Astra, these will probably be my daily blade due to cost. They are not as sharp as the Feathers but are super smooth. No irritation at all and with a 3 pass shave give me nearly the same shave as a Feather.

3. Sharks, this was a big surprise. They are a step below the Astra's but it's a small step.

I use Proraso sensitive skin and follow up with Clumban for that old Barber Shop smell (and BURN).

Also wanted to pass on a great find. Drugstore.com sells a nice wood shaving bowl for under $5 bucks. I have several of them now so all my soaps are in the same type bowl. Great way to keep everything looking organized.



B&B's Man in Italy
My top 3 (and exactly in this order):

1. Red pack Israeli Personna,
2. Shark Super Chrome,
3. Astra Superior Platinum.
There was a similar thread quite a while back asking for members top five blades; http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=101455

I went through and tabulated all the replies. I apologize if anyone finds this information redundant as I listed the results in another thread, but I thought it may apply here. There were over thirty different new and vintage blades listed, and the following had the most votes.

10. (Tie)- Merkur and Shark Super Stainless; 7 votes
8. (Tie)- Kai and Wilkinson Sword; 9 votes
7. Gillette Swedes; 12 votes
6. Derby Extra; 16 votes
5. Astra Superior Platinum; 17 votes
4. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Yellow); 20 votes
3. Red Personnas; 23 votes
2. Iridium Super; 24 votes
1. Feather; 38 votes

I think the top of the list lines up with what I've seen elsewhere on the site. Feathers are the clear favorite followed by Iridiums. The results here have piqued my interest in several blades that I haven't yet tried. I just bought a pack of Astra SPs and I think I will put Kai and Gillette Yellows on my short list. Most intriguing for me, however, are the Gillette Swedes. The fact that they get so many votes despite being unavailable for so long, makes them something that I just have to try. I will add the votes from this thread to the tally. Again, pardon the redundancy but I hope some members find the information useful. I would love to see a blade sampler pack made up of the top ten B&B member favorites. I think this would be a good way for new DE shavers to figure out which blades work for them
I went through and tabulated all the replies.
Wow - thanks for that. Very interesting results.

You know what would be cool? Unfortunately, this would only work if everyone in that thread listed their top 5 in the order of their preference, and it doesn't look like that can be counted on. But, if it was, you could weight the points to see if it affects the end rankings at all (i.e. give 5 points to a #1 choice, 4 for a #2, 3 for a #3 and so on).

I hope some members find the information useful.
I certainly do, and I'm sure others do, too.

I would love to see a blade sampler pack made up of the top ten B&B member favorites. I think this would be a good way for new DE shavers to figure out which blades work for them
+100! :thumbup: :laugh: :thumbup:
There was a similar thread quite a while back asking for members top five blades; http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=101455

I went through and tabulated all the replies. I apologize if anyone finds this information redundant as I listed the results in another thread, but I thought it may apply here. There were over thirty different new and vintage blades listed, and the following had the most votes.

10. (Tie)- Merkur and Shark Super Stainless; 7 votes
8. (Tie)- Kai and Wilkinson Sword; 9 votes
7. Gillette Swedes; 12 votes
6. Derby Extra; 16 votes
5. Astra Superior Platinum; 17 votes
4. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Yellow); 20 votes
3. Red Personnas; 23 votes
2. Iridium Super; 24 votes
1. Feather; 38 votes

I think the top of the list lines up with what I've seen elsewhere on the site. Feathers are the clear favorite followed by Iridiums. The results here have piqued my interest in several blades that I haven't yet tried. I just bought a pack of Astra SPs and I think I will put Kai and Gillette Yellows on my short list. Most intriguing for me, however, are the Gillette Swedes. The fact that they get so many votes despite being unavailable for so long, makes them something that I just have to try. I will add the votes from this thread to the tally. Again, pardon the redundancy but I hope some members find the information useful. I would love to see a blade sampler pack made up of the top ten B&B member favorites. I think this would be a good way for new DE shavers to figure out which blades work for them

Excellent list
Well, I think my top three (price no object) blades would be...

- Feathers
- Super Iridiums
- Gillette Blue Extra (NOS)
In no particular order, all of these have been great for me -

1. Russian Gillette "Swede"
2. Derby
3. Iridium Super
4. Astra SP
5. Israeli "Red Pack" Personna
6. KAI
7. Shark Super Chrome
8. Gillette 7 0' Clock yellow or green
There was a similar thread quite a while back asking for members top five blades; http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=101455

I went through and tabulated all the replies. I apologize if anyone finds this information redundant as I listed the results in another thread, but I thought it may apply here. There were over thirty different new and vintage blades listed, and the following had the most votes.

10. (Tie)- Merkur and Shark Super Stainless; 7 votes
8. (Tie)- Kai and Wilkinson Sword; 9 votes
7. Gillette Swedes; 12 votes
6. Derby Extra; 16 votes
5. Astra Superior Platinum; 17 votes
4. Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge (Yellow); 20 votes
3. Red Personnas; 23 votes
2. Iridium Super; 24 votes
1. Feather; 38 votes

I think the top of the list lines up with what I've seen elsewhere on the site. Feathers are the clear favorite followed by Iridiums. The results here have piqued my interest in several blades that I haven't yet tried. I just bought a pack of Astra SPs and I think I will put Kai and Gillette Yellows on my short list. Most intriguing for me, however, are the Gillette Swedes. The fact that they get so many votes despite being unavailable for so long, makes them something that I just have to try. I will add the votes from this thread to the tally. Again, pardon the redundancy but I hope some members find the information useful. I would love to see a blade sampler pack made up of the top ten B&B member favorites. I think this would be a good way for new DE shavers to figure out which blades work for them

Thanks that was helpful :thumbup:
Matt, good choice of blades. I think anyone would be well served having anyone of those in their arsenal of whisker whackers. I like the feather myself but cannot use it on a daily basis. Close shave but with some irritation. Astra and Shark share a large amount of shelf space in my drawer.
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