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My straight chapter closes, Thank you !

The last 3 1/2 - 4 yrs in my wet shaving journey has been 98% straight. It has been incredibly exciting and fun learning to sharpen, strop and shave with straights.

Having had many conversations with a number of individuals, reading many, many threads, and experimenting with a few ideas, I have found how sharp I like my straights and how to get there. Having had the opportunity to purchase and try many different sizes of razors, hones, and strops, I am now very content with my technique and the stones and strops I use to sharpen them.

I now have a number of stones, razors and strops that will now be a permanent part of my den / mini collection and my experiment will end here.

I will continue to use a straights as long as I am able and If you have not tried a straight and have thought about it, I say to you, Go ahead and give it an honest try. It is very rewarding to use and maintain a tool in your shave den that perhaps your father or grandfather once used or just experience part of shaving history for yourself.

Having said that, I will now revisit other items in my den that have been collecting dust but will still use my straights periodically.

Thank you to all who have helped and have fun!
Glad you found what you like, good luck revisiting the other parts of your den. I am curious though, what strops/razors/stones did you end up keeping?
Glad you found what you like, good luck revisiting the other parts of your den. I am curious though, what strops/razors/stones did you end up keeping?

Razors -

I feel this is subjective to what feels good and comfortable in your hand. I tend to like and reach for 1/2 to 6/8 most often. Full hollow to half hollow when shaving every day, half hollow to wedge when I have a longer growth(might be psychological but it works for me) . I have over 50 vintage and feel that as long as the temper has not been compromised somehow, they will take an edge and keep it (some will hold the edge a bit longer than others).

Stones that I will keep and like very much -

1) Chosera 1k, 2-vintage combo coticule's, 2-thuringens. I have a number of barber hones and finishers but do not use them as much as the first listed.

Strops I used most often -

A Vintage shell, TM horsehide, Homemade Bridle, Kanayama #3

The strops and most stones will stay in my den but I will be parting with some razors( I haven't mulled over which ones yet though).

False advertising.

If the chapter were closing you would be selling off your stuff.
You say that you have a bunch if razors/hones you will continue to still use. Thus still remaining a straight shaver, even if only a part time user.

Titillating headline, and we were all hoping for a den clearing post on the BST, but the reality is that you still are one of us.

Everyone move along....nothing to see here...shows over...keep it moving...
False advertising.

If the chapter were closing you would be selling off your stuff.
You say that you have a bunch if razors/hones you will continue to still use. Thus still remaining a straight shaver, even if only a part time user.

Titillating headline, and we were all hoping for a den clearing post on the BST, but the reality is that you still are one of us.

Everyone move along....nothing to see here...shows over...keep it moving...
HAha my thoughts exactly..... Congrats on the contentment though Phil!
I thought this happened to me last summer, but one shave and it was "pulling" me back in again.

Good luck exploring the other stuff!
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